
"I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

-Major Financial Institution

Silo Removal

TeamKCI is the worldwide leader in SAN and network support. Our award-winning third party maintenance services include support for Brocade machines.Find out more about other hardware TeamKCI supports.
Let TeamKCI Help You Get Rid of Your Surplus Tape Silos.

TeamKCI will help you reclaim space and save resources by removing your unwanted tape libraries and drives. With over 30 years of experience TeamKCI brings unique expertise to legacy tape removal. Learn more…

TeamKCI Monitoring Service – Designed for Brocade® DCX

TeamKCI has launched a new generation of remote monitoring services, to help our customers more effectively manage application and network performance end-to-end across their data center fabrics. Learn more…

Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

