Choosing Your Server, Storage and Network Maintainer

Choosing Your Server, Storage and Network Maintainer

Category : Uncategorized

At TeamKCI we know that the process of finding a reliable and trustworthy maintenance provider can be tricky!  Maintenance is necessary, and in many cases it is more than just good business practice, it may also be required by law or regulation.DCX

With over 30 years experience in the field, TeamKCI knows the best practices, and what to offer.  We’re going to offer a continuing series of blog posts describing what makes for happy, satisfied customers.  These are the topics and consideration of what to look for when choosing your next maintenance provider: 

There are many companies offering various levels of maintenance, support, repair and parts.  The best of breed offer all of these elements.  Experience with the equipment, knowledge of the known issues and steps to ensure continued operation are critical factors. 

emc ds-5100bAvailability of replacement parts is another important consideration.  The best maintenance companies have a deep inventory of the parts that will need to be replaced, especially for equipment in use beyond the manufacturers’ End-of-Life date.

Determining what seems like the best deal involves many factors.

Price is always important although not the only component to be used in selecting a server third party maintenance vendor.  Quality of service and the experience of the provider, as well as its staff of experienced, individual technicians and engineers, are essential factors.

Check references. See who plans to outsource. Be aware of outsourcing as a potential red flag.

Find out if your provider will use call home and dial-in features. Ask for a complete complement of spares to be stored on your premises. Make sure you get the best suited provider for your environment and not just the guy with the low bid.

Our next three posts to the blog will cover the crucial questions and data points to consider when making the decision on contracting a maintenance provider.  

Feel free to subscribe to the TeamKCI blog.  We have made it really easy to keep up-to-date with our blog through RSS feeds and email updates!


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    When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

    • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
    • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
    • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

    This is how TeamKCI answers those questions: TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:

    • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
    • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
    • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
    • Flexible SLA’s and response times


    • 24 x 7 support hotline
    • Rapid problem determination
    • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
    • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
    • 100% genuine your company parts
    • Global support outreach
    • Call Home Supported
    • Dial-in Supported

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