McData® Refurbished SAN Equipment

"I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

-Major Financial Institution

TeamKCI sells quality refurbished equipment that has been tested to McData® published specification

McDATA Corporation manufactured storage area networking (SAN) products and services that help large organizations build Global Enterprise Data Infrastructures (GEDIs), consolidating computer networks and tying data centers together. McData was acquired by Brocade Networks in 2008. Products are no longer manufactured under the McData name TeamKCI still supports McData directors. In particular the Intrepid 10000 (known as the i10k) and the 6140.

TeamKCI sells quality refurbished equipment that has been tested to McData published specifications. All hardware comes with a 90 day replacement warranty guaranteed by TeamKCI – a company that has been in business since 1982 – servicing SMBs, Fortune 1000 companies, educational institutions, and government agencies.

Whether you need a full system, an additional machine, or a blade, an upgrade, or a component, call the company that other maintenance companies call when they need McData support.


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Buy or Sell McData® Equipment

As a major dealer of networking equipment, we also buy surplus equipment from our customers. If you have any surplus McData products, please contact Jennifer Campbell at 201-934-3416, or email Jennifer at

For all your McData hardware needs, please contact us at 201-934-3416, email us at You can also chat live with us now

