Father Time Catching Up to DCX Man®

Father Time Catching Up to DCX Man®

Category : Uncategorized

When Brocade® introduced its then flagship DCX director in 2009, it also introduced its action hero avatar DCX Man®, “the superhero champion for the modern data center.” 
“Defend your data center with Brocade® DCX”, decried a popular Brocade® Marvelesque comic book entitled, ‘The Adventures of DCX® Man’®, that boasted the transformative powers of DCX®,” claiming, “With the new Brocade® DCX® Backbone, you can integrate your data, applications, servers and storage onto a single platform that actually reduces costs and complexity…Built on proven technology.”
Now the DCX® is 10 years old– surpassed by two newer generations of directors and so is DCX Man®.
If you want the legend of DCX to live on, place your DCX® directors under TeamKCI support. We’ll keep your DCX® running at a fraction of the original Brocade® price for as long as you choose to use it. With your determination and our help, the DCX® legend may live on forever.


KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

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