Category Archives: Uncategorized

"I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

-Major Financial Institution

NY State’s Right to Repair Bill – A win for all TPMs

Category : Uncategorized

NY State Passes Right to Repair Bill – A win for all TPMs.
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    Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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    TeamKCI is the premier award-winning third party maintenance provider.

    When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

    • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
    • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
    • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

    This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

    TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
    • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
    • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
    • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
    • Flexible SLA’s and response times


    • 24 x 7 support hotline
    • Rapid problem determination
    • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
    • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
    • 100% genuine your company parts
    • Global support outreach
    • Call Home Supported
    • Dial-in Supported

    "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

    -Major Financial Institution

    TeamKCI Extending the Life of Legacy Citrix Equipment

    Category : Uncategorized

    What do you do when the manufacturer of high technology networking products stops supporting the products it manufactured?

    The manufacturer’s answer is simple: Replace your current equipment. While this is the simple answer, it is also the expensive answer.  Dealing with End-of- Life and/or End-of-Support issues are time consuming. It requires studying the market for replacement alternatives and retraining staff. Plus, there are always operational issues with a hardware change that result in the migration to a different operating system. Not to mention the added expense of purchasing replacement hardware.

    That’s where TeamKCI comes in. TeamKCI provides premier quality support, that extends the life of technology, so its clients can continue to use the legacy technology equipment they have invested in for as long as they choose to use it. Allowing each customer to decide the useful life of their      equipment on their own time-table, rather than the manufacturer’s. 

    Established in 1982, TeamKCI has evolved as a leading third-party maintenance provider of legacy hardware platforms. The company that initially earned its reputation by supporting early era channel switches has grown into a global leader that supports networks, connectivity, storage and servers; delivering award-     winning support at dramatically reduced prices.

    TeamKCI delivers high quality support services utilizing the diagnostic tools built into each NetScaler Application Delivery Controller (ADC), Load Balancer and Gateway to keep customers’ legacy networking gear working efficiently. Providing the quality that customers expect from a Citrix NetScaler product at a significantly lower cost.

    For almost thirty-nine years TeamKCI has been a strategic maintenance partner to some of the largest financial institutions, Telco’s, manufacturing concerns, and government agencies in the US and around the world.

    A Citrix NetScaler success Story

    Not long ago a major manufacturing company was using 139 routers, ADCs, and load balancers manufactured by Citrix NetScaler. Citrix had already announced that all of the products the customer was using were either end of life or end of support. Prices were high, even with discounts. That’s when they called TeamKCI.

    Through a well-executed migration plan TeamKCI maintained the customer’s NetScaler inventory until all the legacy NetScaler equipment was retired and saved the customer $2,300,000 in maintenance charges over a three-year period.

    Networking Not Just Citrix     

    In addition to maintaining Citrix NetScaler equipment TeamKCI’s network support portfolio includes Brocade®, Cisco®, F5®, Juniper® Palo Alto®, Fortinet®, Riverbed®, Arista®, Blue Coat® and Extreme® networking products, and storage manufactured by NetApp®, EMC®, Hitachi®, IBM® Netezza®, SolidFire® and Synology®. And, far too many server types to list.

    As their brochures and website tout TeamKCI offers top quality support for aging network infrastructure at prices that are up to 70-90% below the manufacturer’s list price. 

    Whether you are around the corner or around the world, TeamKCI support is always nearby. According to Founder and CEO Jeff Klein, “We’ve built a world-wide support ecosystem in the US, the UK, the European Union and the Pacific Rim by constructing an intertwined network of field support offices, test labs and remote stocking locations that support over 7000 machines in over 400 locations.” And,      Klein adds, “we continue to grow by staying focused on our core business and our customers’ needs.”

    The Secret of Our Success

    The secret      of our success is simple: “Every service call is important.  We stay with every call until the repair is complete. When everything is done, we follow-up, listen to our customers, and we always treat them with courtesy and respect”, says Wayne Duglin, TeamKCI Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer.

    Where applicable, TeamKCI uses the dial-in and call home features built into Citrix equipment including Citrix NetScaler ADC 11515 product page to diagnose and triage problems in minutes rather than hours. Many times, notifying customers before they even know they have a problem.

    Parts are tested twice before they are shipped to a customer location. And, all parts are stored locally.

    TeamKCI engineers do more than just change parts, they have operational knowledge of the firmware that drives a machine. While TeamKCI does not provide firmware updates – only the manufacturer can do that – TeamKCI assists customers with advice on operational software issues when necessary.

    TeamKCI takes pride in its institutional technical knowledge and its approach to maintenance.

    A Customer Success Story

    Back in 2012 when Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast of the United States a major customer coincidentally had a critical switch burn out. Roads were flooded, trees were down and there were gasoline shortages everywhere.  Knowing that the switch had no power even though it had two power supplies TeamKCI deployed a customer service engineer with a spare machine. When he arrived at the customer location, the parking lot was flooded and cars were not allowed to enter. Our customer service engineer then took off his shoes and socks lifted an 18 lb switch above his head and wadded through the flooded parking lot to the building entrance.  The name of the engineer who walked through the flooded lot, switch held high over his head, is Frank Krause, now TeamKCI’s Director of Field Services. When it comes to field services, Frank has set the standard for years.

    Other Articles to Read: TeamKCI Extending the Legacy Citrix Netscaler Equiptment

    It is not surprising that over 50 of the top 200 companies in the country depend on TeamKCI’s field support for maintenance, networking issues, installations, consolidations, configuration management as well as for hardware upgrades and standard maintenance support.


    “We have cultivated our reputation one service call at a time over the course of many years with a simple set of goals – do it right, do it efficiently and make sure the price is right.”, says Jennifer Campbell, TeamKCI’s Vice President of Marketing.  The company was even awarded a “Supplier Recognition Award” by Verizon for Outstanding Performance in IT Services.

    In a time of shrinking budgets, when corporate management demands ever more services at a lower price, TeamKCI is the cost-effective, comprehensive support choice for today’s modern data centre. As Klein likes to say, “TeamKCI is today’s company for yesterday’s equipment.”

      Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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      TeamKCI is the premier award-winning third party maintenance provider.

      When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

      • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
      • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
      • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

      This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

      TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
      • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
      • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
      • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
      • Flexible SLA’s and response times


      • 24 x 7 support hotline
      • Rapid problem determination
      • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
      • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
      • 100% genuine your company parts
      • Global support outreach
      • Call Home Supported
      • Dial-in Supported

      "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

      -Major Financial Institution

      Brocade Introduces Generation 7

      Category : Uncategorized

      In case you missed it on September 1, 2020, Brocade announced its new 7th generation director, the X7, and a new 7th generation switch, the G720.

      X7 Director (artist rendering)

      G720 Switch (artist rendering)


      According to Brocade the new director is faster, more scalable, more intelligent, and more resilient than previous directors providing a strong foundation for the on-demand data center. Brocade describes the new director as “a modular building block, purpose-built to power large-scale storage environments.”

      Other Articles to Read: NY State Passes Right to Repair Bill A Winn For All TPMS

      The new director operates at twice the speed and half of the  latency when compared to Brocade’s previous generation 6 director. It provides up to 384 64 Gb/s ports or up to 512 32 Gb/s ports. The G720 will be delivered with 56 64Gb/s ports in a 1RU design. It will also be 50 percent lower latency when compared to previous generations. 

      According to Brocade, the X7 director and G720 switch are available now.

      The X7 will use Emulex® HBAs, first announced in December 2018, which set the new standard in speed and low latency performance for mission-critical Enterprise workloads. 

      The Gen 7 systems include self-learning, self-optimizing and self-healing capabilities to help automate SAN management.

      For more information on the new Generation 7 please call Brocade. To sell or upgrade your legacy Brocade Generation 6 or Generation 5 equipment call TeamKCI at 201-934-3416, email us at, or click here to request a same-day quote.



      Disclaimer: KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

        Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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        TeamKCI is the premier award-winning third party maintenance provider.

        When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

        • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
        • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
        • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

        This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

        TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
        • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
        • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
        • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
        • Flexible SLA’s and response times


        • 24 x 7 support hotline
        • Rapid problem determination
        • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
        • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
        • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
        • Global support outreach
        • Call Home Supported
        • Dial-in Supported

        "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

        -Major Financial Institution

        Podcast: Jeff Klein, TeamKCI founder, sees strong future for AscdiNatd companies in era of change and challenge

        Category : Uncategorized

        From Telecom Reseller: Jeff Klein, President of TeamKCI has seen all the business seasons that exist in the world of IT: recession, boom, market meltdown, recovery, war, social disturbance, malaise, new beginnings and false dawns. So even though four crises hit the IT community almost all at once, Klein believes that the months and years ahead are a time of opportunity and growth for the AscdiNatd community. Klein makes his case that big savings in maintenance is always attractive, and that if the ASCDI community stay current with customer needs, the alternate market vendors will remain as critical partners for enterprises. Klein discusses a diversification of his company’s offerings over the past year and how that makes his company more attractive since TeamKCI can take care of more multi-vendor platform needs. Klein thinks that TeamKCI and its colleague companies in the alternate market also represent supply chains and stocking sources that cannot be disrupted by trade conflicts, shipping issues or even slowing of domestic factories. Dependability and savings remain attractive in all seasons.

        When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

        • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
        • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
        • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

        This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

        TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
        • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
        • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
        • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
        • Flexible SLA’s and response times


        • 24 x 7 support hotline
        • Rapid problem determination
        • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
        • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
        • 100% genuine your company parts
        • Global support outreach
        • Call Home Supported
        • Dial-in Supported

        "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

        -Major Financial Institution

        2nd Alert: VDX Reaches EOS In *5* Days!

        Category : Uncategorized


        We’re throwing you a lifeline.

        Grab on to extend the life of your Brocade® VDX 6710 and 6730 SAN switches at an unbeatable price.

        These VDX switches reach Brocade® End-of-Support on Sunday, May 24, 2020.

        Just 5 days from today! 

        Call us at 201-934-3416 or email us at to learn more or request a same-day quote.

          Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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          When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

          • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
          • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
          • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

          This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

          TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
          • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
          • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
          • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
          • Flexible SLA’s and response times


          • 24 x 7 support hotline
          • Rapid problem determination
          • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
          • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
          • 100% genuine your company parts
          • Global support outreach
          • Call Home Supported
          • Dial-in Supported

          "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

          -Major Financial Institution

          Free 2020 NetApp® Price Survey

          Category : Uncategorized

          See the NetApp support survey results. Read the survey and discover our competitive NetApp support prices.

          #Four Years In A Row
          2020 NetApp® Support Survey Results:
          TeamKCI once again has the lowest NetApp® 
          support prices in America!
          Click Here To Read The Survey

            Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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            When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

            • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
            • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
            • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

            This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

            TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
            • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
            • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
            • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
            • Flexible SLA’s and response times


            • 24 x 7 support hotline
            • Rapid problem determination
            • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
            • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
            • 100% genuine your company parts
            • Global support outreach
            • Call Home Supported
            • Dial-in Supported

            "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

            -Major Financial Institution

            🔴 Only 26 Days Left For Brocade® VDX Support!

            Category : Uncategorized

            We provide legacy Brocade® VDX Support with dial-in function supported. Request support for your Brocade® VDX from the worldwide leaders in SAN and network support.

              Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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              When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

              • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
              • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
              • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

              This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

              TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
              • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
              • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
              • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
              • Flexible SLA’s and response times


              • 24 x 7 support hotline
              • Rapid problem determination
              • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
              • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
              • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
              • Global support outreach
              • Call Home Supported
              • Dial-in Supported

              "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

              -Major Financial Institution

              EOL ALERT: Brocade® DCX® 8510® is End-of-Life. What’s your plan?

              Category : Uncategorized

              Brocade Communications Systems has designated its flagship DCX 8510 director End-of-Life effective October 31, 2019. Originally introduced in May 2011, the DCX 8510 has been an active Brocade product for almost nine years and stands today as the leading Gen5 16 Gbps SAN director in the world.
              End-of-Life means new development on these systems has stopped as Brocade concentrates on its newly introduced, highly successful X6 directors. Because of this, it’s time to look for a high quality, low price alternative to the manufacturer’s support. Here’s where we come in.
              TeamKCI has been servicing switching equipment since 1982, thirteen years before Brocade was even incorporated. We maintain the entire Brocade Gen5 product line and all Brocade equipment that came before it at a small fraction of Brocade’s original maintenance price. TeamKCI support includes 24×7 tech support, utilization of the dial-in and call home features, plus spares stored locally.
              We’re offering savings of as much as $1500 per month per director off the manufacturer’s list price.
              Call us at 201-934-3416, email us at  or click here now to request a same-day quote.
              It’s the perfect time to start saving on your 2020 OPEX budget.

                Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                TeamKCI is the premier award-winning third party maintenance provider.

                When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                • 24 x 7 support hotline
                • Rapid problem determination
                • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                • Global support outreach
                • Call Home Supported
                • Dial-in Supported

                "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                -Major Financial Institution


                Category : Uncategorized

                For Immediate Release


                Breaks new ground. Demonstrates industry leadership. Support begins April 2, 2020.   

                MAHWAH, N.J. – TeamKCI, a long-time leader in legacy IP Networking support, today announced it has initiated support for legacy F5® products. This is significant because no other third-party company is currently organically maintaining F5® products. 

                Utilizing its expertise and experience with IP Networks, TeamKCI’s technical team has completed development work and testing, and is ready to roll F5® support out of the TeamKCI Test Lab beginning April 2, 2020.

                “Support for F5® again shows the technological leadership TeamKCI has demonstrated over the years to serve customers looking for savings on their legacy equipment – freeing up budget to apply to other high priority infrastructure needs,” said Jeff Klein, Founder and President of TeamKCI. 

                TeamKCI, the industry leader in award-winning, premier support for IP Network and Storage Area Network products has been in business for over 37 years specializing in high-quality, low-cost, support solutions. From one small office in a spare bedroom in Fort Lee, NJ it has expanded to a company of international scope doing business in every state in the United States, all 23 members of the EU and parts of the Pacific Rim. Today TeamKCI maintains over 9,000 machines in 500 data centers worldwide.  

                To ensure that our team was trained and ready to go when the time came, Wayne Duglin, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, said he put the entire staff, and the machines, to the test: “We had F5® machines in one of our Test Labs for months running our team through their paces and gave every one of our technical managers and support specialists an opportunity to gain practical F5® experience.”

                Jennifer Campbell, TeamKCI’s Vice-President of Marketing, added: “Adding F5® to our rapidly expanding list of supported manufacturers once again demonstrates our technical prowess and industry leadership.”

                About TeamKCI

                Founded in 1982, TeamKCI is an award-winning IT Life Cycle management company, selling, deploying, and servicing computer assets for switching, Ethernet networks, storage arrays, and servers. It is the industry leader in third-party support for many networking and SAN products including Citrix NetScaler, Cisco MDS, Brocade SAN, and Foundry Networks.

                For more information about TeamKCI and any of its support programs call 201-934-3416, email, or visit

                “Today’s Company For Yesterday’s Equipment”


                  Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                  When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                  • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                  • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                  • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                  This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                  TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                  • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                  • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                  • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                  • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                  • 24 x 7 support hotline
                  • Rapid problem determination
                  • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                  • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                  • 100% genuine your company parts
                  • Global support outreach
                  • Call Home Supported
                  • Dial-in Supported

                  "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                  -Major Financial Institution

                  Here is what we are doing during the current emergency

                  Category : Uncategorized

                  We wanted to give you a quick update on what we are doing during the current emergency.

                  We are pleased to say we are up and running at full capacity. Before all this started we virtualized all support functions that could be performed remotely including 24 x 7 tech support, help desk, customer delivery, logistics and onboarding and tested our ability to deliver when we weren’t working in our normal offices. We distributed expanded parts supplies to all major offices in the US, the UK and the EU to ensure that multiple sources of parts were available in the event of a local interruption in our supply chain. And we put into action our plan to ensure we had multiple sources of local technicians to deliver support quickly and safely.

                  It hasn’t been easy but we know that all of our customers and friends are affected and we are doing our part to ensure that with all the problems out there, keeping your network, SAN or storage up and running is not one of them.

                  We will continue to update you throughout the crisis. Please let us know if you have any specific issues that we can help with.

                  With Warmth and Gratitude,

                  Jeff Klein
                  President & Founder

                    Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                    When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                    • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                    • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                    • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                    This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                    TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                    • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                    • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                    • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                    • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                    • 24 x 7 support hotline
                    • Rapid problem determination
                    • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                    • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                    • 100% genuine your company parts
                    • Global support outreach
                    • Call Home Supported
                    • Dial-in Supported

                    "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                    -Major Financial Institution

                    2020 Annual Report: Expanding Our Reach

                    Category : Uncategorized

                    2019 was a year of adjusting to changes brought about by our expansion into new markets coupled with remnants of Broadcom’s acquisition of Brocade, and expansion of services in our core competencies. There were also product announcements, End-of-Life announcements, End-of-Support announcements and paradigm shifts that moved the third-party landscape. The new year always brings about challenges, so while we enter 2020 with a sense of achievement, enthusiasm and the spirit of accomplishment, we know we will face new challenges in the next 12 months that will test our creativity, innovative ability and the constant demand to deliver cost-effective third-party support solutions.

                    Now is a perfect time to look back at the just completed year to provide context for our strategic vision for 2020: a year of major planned expansion that will broaden the scope of platforms we cover, expand the services we offer and enhance value to our customers.

                    Download our 2020 Annual Report: Expanding Our Reach


                      Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                      When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                      • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                      • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                      • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                      This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                      TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                      • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                      • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                      • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                      • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                      • 24 x 7 support hotline
                      • Rapid problem determination
                      • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                      • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                      • 100% genuine your company parts
                      • Global support outreach
                      • Call Home Supported
                      • Dial-in Supported

                      "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                      -Major Financial Institution

                      Flagship DCX® Director to Reach EOS Soon

                      Category : Uncategorized

                      We are approaching a critical support juncture as Brocade® sunsets its Generation four (GEN 4) product line and key products reach End-of-Support (EOS).

                      In addition, Brocade® recently announced End-of-Life (EOL) for Brocade® Network Advisor (BNA), an essential software tool that runs on DCX® hardware.

                      Before you rip and replace working SAN equipment, talk to us about our premier legacy support program for Brocade® EOL and EOS equipment. It won’t take more than 10 minutes. We’ll provide you with a same day quote and surprise you with our low price, quick response time and our in-depth knowledge of Brocade® SAN equipment.

                      We’re TeamKCI and we’ve been supporting Brocade® SAN products since it first appeared in 1996. And we’ve been supporting switching infrastructure since 1982.

                      We can also help you transition to a new Brocade® SAN or any other SAN you choose. That’s why more companies call on TeamKCI than any other legacy Brocade® support specialists.





                      KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                      Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                        Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                        Email Address (required)
                        This is a request for:

                        When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                        • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                        • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                        • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                        This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                        TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                        • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                        • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                        • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                        • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                        • 24 x 7 support hotline
                        • Rapid problem determination
                        • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                        • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                        • 100% genuine your company parts
                        • Global support outreach
                        • Call Home Supported
                        • Dial-in Supported

                        "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                        -Major Financial Institution

                        83% Off The Brocade® List Price

                        Category : Uncategorized

                        If you’ve just lost your Brocade® 5300 support from Brocade®, we would be delighted to maintain your 5300 for you. Not at the Brocade® list price of $5108, but rather a yearly savings of greater than $4240 on every Brocade® 5300 in your SAN. Our price is for 24 x 7 x 4 support, and it comes with our guarantee never to raise your rate for as long as you continue to use your Brocade® 5300. Over 400 customers get their Brocade® support from TeamKCI. Contact us to find out why.






                        KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                        Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                          Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                          Email Address (required)
                          This is a request for:

                          When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                          • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                          • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                          • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                          This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                          TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                          • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                          • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                          • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                          • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                          • 24 x 7 support hotline
                          • Rapid problem determination
                          • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                          • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                          • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                          • Global support outreach
                          • Call Home Supported
                          • Dial-in Supported

                          "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                          -Major Financial Institution

                          Cisco® Nexus 7000® Reaches EOS

                          Category : Uncategorized

                          The Cisco® Nexus 7000® reached EOS on August 31, 2019. TeamKCI continues to support these machines with customizable service plans. Request a quote for award-winning premier third-party support for Cisco® Nexus 7000® machines with dial-in function supported. TeamKCI is the worldwide leader in SAN and network support.

                            Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                            Email Address (required)
                            This is a request for:

                            When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                            • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                            • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                            • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                            This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                            TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                            • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                            • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                            • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                            • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                            • 24 x 7 support hotline
                            • Rapid problem determination
                            • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                            • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                            • 100% genuine your company parts
                            • Global support outreach
                            • Call Home Supported
                            • Dial-in Supported

                            "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                            -Major Financial Institution

                            Don’t Get Caught Without Coverage

                            Category : Uncategorized

                            Manufacturer’s support is running out on these 3 mainstay Brocade® products:


                            The Brocade® 5300 will reach End-of-Support on August 21, 2019.


                            The Brocade® DCX and the DCX4-S will reach End-of-Support on November 14, 2019.


                            All models of Brocade® VDX 6720 will reach End-of-Support on September 3, 2019. The Brocade® VDX 6710 and VDX 6730 will reach End-of-Support May 24, 2020.


                            KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                            Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                            When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                            • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                            • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                            • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                            This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                            TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                            • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                            • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                            • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                            • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                            • 24 x 7 support hotline
                            • Rapid problem determination
                            • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                            • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                            • 100% genuine your company parts
                            • Global support outreach
                            • Call Home Supported
                            • Dial-in Supported

                            "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                            -Major Financial Institution

                            Advise Your Customers To Stay On Their Toes

                            Category : Uncategorized

                            Inexperienced Maintainers Can Cause Mayhem

                            It happened twice last week alone. On Tuesday, TeamKCI fielded a call from a frantic individual working for a hardware dealer turned maintenance provider looking for help on a Brocade® 48000 director. The story we got was that his company has been maintaining the 48K director for several years when one of the Control Processor (CP) cards failed. The hardware dealer turned maintenance provider went directly to its parts source, eBay, and bought a discounted replacement part. The only testing that was done was to check if the green light went on when the part was still in the donor machine. Firmware compatibilities were not considered by the maintenance provider or its parts supplier. Now frantic with no knowledge of the workings of the underlying Brocade® 48K – and the interplay of hardware with software, the wannabe maintenance provider was grasping for a solution – not realizing that the 48K has two CP cards and that the firmware must be compatible on both cards.

                            On Wednesday, we got a call from a different hardware dealer turned maintenance provider. His company maintains two Brocade® 4500 SAN switches. His client asked that the switches be relocated within the data center and also asked that several zoning changes be performed. These machines were under continuous support with the same provider for over five years, yet the maintenance provider did not have the knowledge to shut down the machines to move them, nor the know-how to change the zoning parameters. 

                            It’s good practice to advise your customers that there is a lot of faux maintenance support out there these days. Quality IMS support from IBM®, the top IT hardware company in the world for the past 100+ years, in partnership with TeamKCI, the top switching experts for the past 37 years, is clearly the best option for any customer looking for economies on Brocade® support without sacrificing reliability and quality.   

                            IMS support comes with deep understanding of Brocade® hardware and how it works, knowledge of compatibility issues and firmware and operational assistance when necessary. Fully tested compatible parts pre-positioned for rapid delivery, and a technical support team that is second to none.

                            IBM® IMS for Brocade®, the “gold standard” in Third-Party Support. 


                            TeamKCI is an IT Life Cycle Vendor, servicing, selling, deploying and managing computer assets for switching, storage arrays, servers and Ethernet networks. We are the leader in third-party support for Brocade® SAN and Cisco® MDS equipment.


                            KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                            Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                            Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                            United States and certain other countries.

                            IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

                              Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                              Email Address (required)
                              This is a request for:

                              When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                              • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                              • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                              • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                              This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                              TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                              • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                              • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                              • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                              • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                              • 24 x 7 support hotline
                              • Rapid problem determination
                              • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                              • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                              • 100% genuine your company parts
                              • Global support outreach
                              • Call Home Supported
                              • Dial-in Supported

                              "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                              -Major Financial Institution

                              TeamKCI 2019 Non-Financial Annual Report

                              Category : Uncategorized

                              The TeamKCI Annual Report to find out how we’re expanding our reach. Learn more about our new services and how we’re improving our ability to maintain and support hardware. TeamKCI is the worldwide leader in SAN and network support.

                              To request a copy of TeamKCI’s 2019 Non-Financial Annual Report email:

                                Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                Email Address (required)
                                This is a request for:

                                When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                • Rapid problem determination
                                • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                • 100% genuine your company parts
                                • Global support outreach
                                • Call Home Supported
                                • Dial-in Supported

                                "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                -Major Financial Institution

                                Happy National SAN Architect Day!

                                Category : Uncategorized

                                TeamKCI San Architect Day

                                TeamKCI salutes all SAN Professionals who keep America’s data moving safely!

                                KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the founder National SAN Architect Day

                                SAN Architects are leaders when it comes to managing IT infrastructure. Today, TeamKCI wants to acknowledge the role these men and women play in SAN, cloud and security.

                                TeamKCI is the worldwide leader in SAN & Network Support. If your infrastructure is aging we would appreciate the opportunity to show you the ways we can affect cost savings.

                                It’s simple. Tell us the inventory of your SAN equipment and we’ll show you how to save up to 85%. Coverage begins immediately. Schedule a consultation and get started today.

                                  Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                  Email Address (required)
                                  This is a request for:

                                  Professional IBM Storwize® and FlashSystem Support

                                  With the rapid pace of technological advancements, staying up-to-date with the latest storwize supportStorwize support and FlashSystem support practices is crucial. TeamKCI invests in continuous training and certification programs to keep our team well-informed on the latest trends and best practices in Storwize® support. This enables us to offer cutting-edge solutions and deliver the highest level of support to our clients. For consultation, simply request a quote or call us at 201-934-3416 today.

                                  When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                  • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                  • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                  • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                  This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                  TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                  • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                  • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                  • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                  • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                  • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                  • Rapid problem determination
                                  • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                  • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                  • 100% genuine your company parts
                                  • Global support outreach
                                  • Call Home Supported
                                  • Dial-in Supported

                                  "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                  -Major Financial Institution

                                  Flagship DCX Director to Reach EOS Soon

                                  Category : Uncategorized

                                  We are approaching a critical support juncture as Brocade® sunsets its Generation four (GEN 4) product line and key products reach End-of-Support (EOS).

                                  Model EOS Date
                                  Brocade® 5100 1/25/2019
                                  Brocade® 53100 8/21/2019
                                  Brocade® DCX 11/14/2019


                                  In addition, Brocade® recently announced End-of-Life (EOL) for Brocade® Network Advisor (BNA), an essential software tool that runs on DCX hardware.

                                  Before you rip and replace working SAN equipment, talk to us about our premier legacy support program for Brocade® EOL and EOS equipment. It won’t take more than 10 minutes. We’ll provide you with a same day quote and surprise you with our low price, quick response time and our in-depth knowledge of Brocade® SAN equipment.

                                  We’re TeamKCI and we’ve been supporting Brocade® SAN products since it first appeared in 1996. And we’ve been supporting switching infrastructure since 1982.

                                  We can also help you transition to a new Brocade® SAN or any other SAN you choose. That’s why more companies call on TeamKCI than any other legacy Brocade® support specialists.




                                  KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                  Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                    Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                    Email Address (required)
                                    This is a request for:

                                    When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                    • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                    • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                    • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                    This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                    TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                    • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                    • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                    • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                    • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                    • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                    • Rapid problem determination
                                    • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                    • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                    • 100% genuine your company parts
                                    • Global support outreach
                                    • Call Home Supported
                                    • Dial-in Supported

                                    "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                    -Major Financial Institution

                                    TeamKCI First With Third-Party Support For Legacy Citrix®

                                    Category : Uncategorized

                                    Mahwah, NJ (April 3, 2019)— TeamKCI announced today a new support program for Citrix® NetScaler® equipment covering all legacy Citrix® NetScaler products.

                                    “The introduction of high quality, cost effective maintenance service for legacy Citrix® NetScaler products is part of our strategic vision for growth as we expand our offerings to meet  customers’ requirements who have invested in this technology,” said Jeff Klein, President and CEO of TeamKCI.

                                    “Citrix® support adds to our growing portfolio of networking products, which include products manufactured by industry leaders Cisco®, Foundry®, and Brocade®,” said Wayne Duglin, Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer. It is the first of what TeamKCI projects will be many roll outs in 2019 and 2020.

                                    “We already have customers for Citrix® support and have fielded many other inquiries. We predict that our Citrix® offering will connect with our customers’ requirements and that Citrix® support will be a winner just like the Citrix® NetScaler product line is,” said TeamKCI National Director of Sales Jennifer Campbell.

                                    The new Citrix® support program will be available in all 50 states and on a case by case basis in Europe and APAC as TeamKCI continues to ramp-up support outside the US. Citrix® NetScaler is an all-in-one web Application Delivery Controller (ADC) that makes applications run up to five times faster, cuts web application ownership costs with server offloading, and insures that applications are always available with its application load balancing capabilities.

                                    TeamKCI is an IT Life Cycle management company, servicing, selling and deploying computer assets for switching, storage arrays, servers, and Ethernet networks. We are the industry leader in third-party support for Brocade® SAN, Cisco® MDS, Foundry® Networks, NetApp® Storage, and now Citrix® NetScaler equipment.


                                    KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                    Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                    NetApp® is registered trademark of NetApp,Inc.

                                    Citrix® is the registered trademark of Citrix Systems, Inc.

                                    Cisco is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                                    United States and certain other countries.



                                      Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                      Email Address (required)
                                      This is a request for:

                                      When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                      • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                      • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                      • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                      This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                      TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                      • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                      • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                      • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                      • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                      • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                      • Rapid problem determination
                                      • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                      • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                      • 100% genuine your company parts
                                      • Global support outreach
                                      • Call Home Supported
                                      • Dial-in Supported

                                      "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                      -Major Financial Institution

                                      2019 NetApp® Survey Results

                                      Category : Uncategorized

                                      That’s right! TeamKCI is still the best source for legacy NetApp® Support. Award winning TeamKCI support includes our guarantee that you’ll be able to speak to a qualified trained NetApp specialist within 15 minutes of placing a service call. We support the dial-in and call home capabilities built into every filer. And we will store spare parts on premises or deliver parts with service within four hours of receiving your call.

                                      This year for the first time, we include 24 x 7 monitoring services on every NetApp flier under TeamKCI support at no additional charge.

                                      Percent Off Manufacturers’ List Prices*



                                      Abtech Technologies 50%-70%
                                      CDS 50%
                                      Centrics IT 50%-80%
                                      Curvature 50%
                                      Emergent SX 30%-70%
                                      ISC Group LLC 60%
                                      MG Global Services 70%
                                      Mojo 70%
                                      Park Place 50%
                                      Reliant Technology 50%
                                      Service Express 30%-70%
                                      Strategic Support 70%
                                      Trident Computer Resources 30%
                                      XSI 60%

                                      NetApp® is registered trademarks of NetApp,Inc.

                                        Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                        Email Address (required)
                                        This is a request for:

                                        When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                        • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                        • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                        • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                        This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                        TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                        • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                        • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                        • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                        • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                        • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                        • Rapid problem determination
                                        • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                        • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                        • 100% genuine your company parts
                                        • Global support outreach
                                        • Call Home Supported
                                        • Dial-in Supported

                                        "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                        -Major Financial Institution

                                        Father Time Catching Up to DCX Man®

                                        Category : Uncategorized

                                        When Brocade® introduced its then flagship DCX director in 2009, it also introduced its action hero avatar DCX Man®, “the superhero champion for the modern data center.” 
                                        “Defend your data center with Brocade® DCX”, decried a popular Brocade® Marvelesque comic book entitled, ‘The Adventures of DCX® Man’®, that boasted the transformative powers of DCX®,” claiming, “With the new Brocade® DCX® Backbone, you can integrate your data, applications, servers and storage onto a single platform that actually reduces costs and complexity…Built on proven technology.”
                                        Now the DCX® is 10 years old– surpassed by two newer generations of directors and so is DCX Man®.
                                        If you want the legend of DCX to live on, place your DCX® directors under TeamKCI support. We’ll keep your DCX® running at a fraction of the original Brocade® price for as long as you choose to use it. With your determination and our help, the DCX® legend may live on forever.


                                        KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                        Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                        When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                        • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                        • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                        • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                        This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                        TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                        • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                        • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                        • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                        • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                        • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                        • Rapid problem determination
                                        • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                        • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                        • 100% genuine your company parts
                                        • Global support outreach
                                        • Call Home Supported
                                        • Dial-in Supported

                                        "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                        -Major Financial Institution

                                        Broadcom First to Ship 7th Generation Fibre Channel

                                        Category : Uncategorized

                                        Brocade® Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) announced in December the industry’s first family of Gen 7 Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters (HBA). Broadcom Emulex® LPe35000 HBAs are the first product released that comply with FC-PI-7 standard, the fastest single-lane serial transmission speed that features the hardened NVMe over Fibre Channel protocol; purpose-built for all-flash and End-to-End NVMe data centers.
                                        According to Broadcom, Oracle database testing shows that Emulex LPe35000-series HBA’s deliver up to 55% better performance than competitive products. Coupled with the previous hints dropped by Broadcom, many believe that we are not far away from a Broadcom announcement on the introduction of Gen 7 Broadcom Fibre Channel switches. Dell EMC® will be the first server vendor to offer Gen 7 FV connectivity via select Dell EMC® Power Edge servers.


                                        KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                        Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                        EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                          Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                          Email Address (required)
                                          This is a request for:

                                          When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                          • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                          • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                          • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                          This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                          TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                          • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                          • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                          • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                          • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                          • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                          • Rapid problem determination
                                          • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                          • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                          • 100% genuine your company parts
                                          • Global support outreach
                                          • Call Home Supported
                                          • Dial-in Supported

                                          "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                          -Major Financial Institution

                                          Are Your Brocade® ICX Switches Lost in the Shuffle?

                                          Category : Uncategorized


                                          In April 2016 Brocade® Communications Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: BRCD) bought Ruckus Wireless (NYSE: RKUS), in a cash and stock transaction, to add to its networking portfolio.
                                          Then just seven months later in November 2016 chipmaker Broadcom, Ltd (AVGO) announced it would buy Brocade®, moving Broadcom into a strong position in the networking storage business. However, under the terms of the deal, Broadcom agreed to divest itself of the IP networking part of Brocade®’s business, including Ruckus Wireless, which Brocade® had just recently purchased.
                                          Then In February 2017 ARRIS International plc, (NASDAQ: ARRS) agreed to purchase Broadcom’s Brocade® Communication Systems’ Ruckus Wireless Division along with the Brocade® designed ICX campus switch product line.
                                          But wait. If that’s not confusing enough, last month, in November 2018, CommScope, Inc. (NASDAQ: COMM), a global leader in infrastructure solutions for communications networks, agreed to acquire ARRIS International in an all-cash transaction. In addition, The Carlyle Group, a global alternative asset manager, has taken an ownership position in CommScope through a $1 billion minority equity investment. 
                                          To sum this up, Ruckus Wireless went from being an independent publicly traded company, to a division of Brocade®, to a division of Broadcom to being part of Arris to now being part of CommScope. It will take a team of actuaries to figure out everybody’s pension plan!  
                                          Perhaps lost in all the shuffling is the status of the legacy Brocade® ICX product line. If your customers are looking for support for ICX boxes call TeamKCI. In the US, Brocade®/Ruckus ICX boxes are covered under IMS. In Europe and APAC, we will gladly quote through procurement.


                                          KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                          Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                            Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                            Email Address (required)
                                            This is a request for:

                                            When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                            • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                            • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                            • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                            This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                            TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                            • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                            • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                            • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                            • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                            • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                            • Rapid problem determination
                                            • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                            • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                            • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                            • Global support outreach
                                            • Call Home Supported
                                            • Dial-in Supported

                                            "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                            -Major Financial Institution

                                            TeamKCI Steps Up Worldwide Foundry® Support Effort

                                            In early August the Brocade® FastIron Edge X, a former star in the Brocade®/Foundry® product line, reached End-of-Support (EOS). This announcement followed July’s announcement that the Brocade®/Foundry® BigIron RX had also reached EOS.

                                            In October 2018, the MLX-4-S, MLX-8-S and the MLX-16-S will reach End-of-Support. These End-of-Support status changes come after seven other Foundry® products reached EOS from July 2016 through July 2018.

                                            This will be followed by four more scheduled product EOS announcements slated for the first half of 2019, including the flagship FastIron SX Series. All told Brocade®’s pledge to get out of the IP business is coming true faster than many thought.

                                            Brocade®/Foundry® End-of-Support Table
                                            (Includes Upcoming Announcement)

                                            If you are concerned about support for your legacy Brocade®/Foundry® network, call, write or email TeamKCI. You can also contact us via social media or refer to Foundry EOL dates. We’ll support your Foundry® platforms for as long as you wish to use them. We’ll also charge you a lot less to maintain these platforms than Brocade® did when they were still willing to maintain them.

                                            Whatever is left of your Foundry® FastIron, ServerIron, BigIron, TurboIron, and EdgeIron platforms TeamKCI will support it to the highest standards for far less than Broadcom, Brocade® or Foundry® ever charged you including support for Foundry Fast Iron Edge FES2402, Foundry Fast Iron Fi800, Foundry Edgeiron Eif4802cf.
                                            Think of us as the alternative…The Switch Capital of the World, since 1982.

                                            Other Articles to Read: NY State Passes Right To Repair Bill

                                            Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                              Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                              Email Address (required)
                                              This is a request for:

                                              When choosing a third-party support provider for Foundry®, you should consider things like:

                                              • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Foundry®
                                              • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                              • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                              This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                              TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                              • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                              • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                              • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Foundry® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                              • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                              • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                              • Rapid problem determination
                                              • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                              • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                              • 100% genuine Foundry® parts
                                              • Global support outreach
                                              • Call Home Supported
                                              • Dial-in Supported

                                              "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                              -Major Financial Institution

                                              Brocade® Strategy Got You Puzzled?

                                              Category : Uncategorized

                                              Let TeamKCI Demystify the Brocade® Maze

                                              Last year was confusing for Brocade® customers. Starting with the Broadcom acquisition, followed by the divestiture of Ethernet products to Extreme; which was followed by the sale of the wireless division to Arris; the sale of the Virtual Traffic Manager platform to F5; and the sale of its Federal Business Division to Hitachi Data Services (Federal). Brocade® strategy has become a complex spinning puzzle of Brocade® parts.

                                              Now that the acquisition by Broadcom is complete, the real question is: “Are you ready for Brocade®’s GEN6 ‘All Flash’ technology?” If you’re not, we’d like to show you how to realize huge savings until you are ready to move to Brocade®’s next generation of SAN products.

                                              To evaluate your Brocade® support options call or email to discuss how to get started. You can also reach us by phone at 1-800-229-4KCI or by email at We’ll guide you through the Brocade® puzzle and show you how to start saving immediately.



                                              KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                              Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                Email Address (required)
                                                This is a request for:

                                                When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                • Rapid problem determination
                                                • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                • Global support outreach
                                                • Call Home Supported
                                                • Dial-in Supported

                                                "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                -Major Financial Institution

                                                Is Cisco® Conceding the SAN Director Market to Brocade®?


                                                Cisco® Live Tells a Hidden Story

                                                Cisco® Live is a trade show and convention put on by Cisco® every year for its customers and business partners. It features a grand hall called the World of Solutions where over 200 companies display software, services and products alongside Cisco® entries as part of the Cisco® ecosystem.

                                                There is a keynote by the CEO that fills a large auditorium and second keynote by the CTO. There are talks by senior technical specialists on new products and apps; and, loads and loads of success stories. There is even a Big Ideas Theatre where speakers offer alternative ways to use and look at technology. My favorite, was a talk about El (not Al). A look at how technologists are training machines to measure the Emotional Intelligence of a human user at the time the human and machine interface.

                                                A myriad of courses are available to network engineers leading to network certifications such as the top of the line Cisco® Certified Internetwork Expert commonly referred to as CCIE.

                                                Cisco® Live is billed as a place to “…build the foundation for your digital future. Transform your outlook, your career, and your potential through learning direct from Cisco® best and brightest.” And, of course, unlimited networking opportunities.

                                                So what’s the point you might ask? To which I would remind you that Cisco® is also in the SAN business. Its MDS products compete with Brocade® SAN products and have done so for quite a while. According to industry statistics, Brocade® has 82.5% of the SAN market while Cisco® has 17.5% of the SAN market. No other company has a perceptible share of the market.

                                                Add to that, Cisco® has just announced three new 32 Gbps SAN switches to augment its MDS product line:

                                                • the 32-port 32 Gbps Cisco® MDS 9132-T
                                                • the 48-port 32 Gbps MDS 9148-T
                                                • the 96-port 32 Gbps 9363-T

                                                Though still lagging Brocade® by over a year in product development one would think Cisco® Live would be the perfect venue to trumpet Cisco® latest SAN accomplishment. But despite a room full of network engineers, Cisco® enthusiasts, business partners and vendors there was no mention of the new SAN additions. Truth is I could only find the new SAN switch display with the help of two Cisco® “Hall Ambassadors”, who cumulatively spent nearly 20 minutes finding the 32 Gbps SAN products. The display is shown on the right. Not even a wall tag to accompany it. Nothing to explain what the machines are and why they were significant. It was easy to overlook or miss entirely.

                                                Perhaps with lagging product development and a lethargic effort Cisco® has already conceded the SAN market to Brocade®. In which case, Cisco® SAN users who are contemplating moving to all flash should look very carefully at what Brocade® has to offer these days.

                                                For a realistic approach to Cisco® maintenance MDS products give us a call at 201-934-7286. Or send us an email at Let us show you a path as the paradigm shifts from digital to all flash. We maintain many Cisco machines including Cisco® MDS 9000, Cisco® MDS 9509, Cisco® WS 2960, Cisco® catalyst 4500 Series Switches, Cisco® Hardware Sales, Cisco® 2800,Cisco® Catalyst 6500 and 6500 E series.

                                                Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                                                United States and certain other countries.

                                                  Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                  Email Address (required)
                                                  This is a request for:

                                                  When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                  • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                  • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                  • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                  This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                  TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                  • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                  • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                  • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                  • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                  • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                  • Rapid problem determination
                                                  • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                  • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                  • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                  • Global support outreach
                                                  • Call Home Supported
                                                  • Dial-in Supported

                                                  "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                  -Major Financial Institution

                                                  TeamKCI Blog: Brocade® Confusion

                                                  Category : Uncategorized

                                                  Brocade® Blog by Jeff Klein

                                                  “A sales restructuring at Brocade® Communications has added confusion and delay to the storage and networking vendor’s field engagement model, making it difficult for solution providers to close deals and, in some cases, causing them to move business to rival vendors, partners told CRN.”

                                                  “We feel like we’re getting into the homestretch right now of a very disruptive year…“, Brocade® Channel Chief Sandra Glasser Cheek added.

                                                  And, all this was before the closing date for the Brocade® acquisition by Broadcom was moved back from early third quarter to the fourth quarter of 2017.

                                                  If you have doubts about your coverage we’d like to recommend that you call TeamKCI. In addition to our Brocade® Hardware Sales, we’re tracking the Brocade®/Broadcom merger and divestiture and stand ready to guide you through the pitfalls of what is turning into a sticky and oft times confusing realignment. Call us to discuss the latest developments and find out your best strategies to keep your equipment covered until the merger is completed.

                                                  Other Articles to Read: Brocade® Introduces Generation 7

                                                  It all began benignly in November 2016 when chip maker Broadcom, Ltd, agreed to buy Brocade® Communications Systems, Inc. for $5.9 B. Brocade® a leading manufacturer of Data Center, Campus Network and Ethernet switches is best known as the leading manufacturer of fiber channel SAN switches and directors. Brocade® claims that 90% of the world’s 1000 largest companies use Brocade® products in their SANs.

                                                  Broadcom’s said its interest in Brocade® was limited to Brocade®’s fiber channel Storage Area Network (SAN) business. Perhaps true but Broadcom, the largest manufacturer of chips for Cisco® Systems, made sure to announce simultaneous with the Brocade® acquisition that it intended to sell off the IP networking segment of Brocade®’s business along with other non SAN related platforms in order not to be in conflict with Cisco®. Recent quarterly numbers show that fiber channel SAN comprised roughly 60% of Brocade®’s revenue while IP networking products made up the remaining 40%.

                                                  Other Articles to Read: Brocade® Has announced EOL Data Center Fabric Manager

                                                  Broadcom has also agreed to wall off the divisions that make ASICs for Brocade® from the division making ASICs for Cisco® to avoid conflicts of interest.

                                                  Brocade®’s Ethernet networking business was built primarily on the acquisition of Foundry Networks in 2008 and the organic expansion of Foundry product lines from 2008 to 2016. Brocade® expanded into wireless networking with the acquisition of Ruckus Wireless in 2015.

                                                  On February 22, 2017 Brocade®/Broadcom agreed to sell the former Ruckus Wireless unit that Brocade® had acquired in 2015 to the Arris Group, an American company that provides cable operators with high speed data, video and telephony systems for home and business. Also included in the deal was Brocade®’s ICX campus switching line of products which Brocade® once called “the next-generation” of IP networks.

                                                  Other Articles to Read: EOL alert Brocade® DCX 8510 blog article page

                                                  Followed on March 29, 2017 when Broadcom announced that it sold its data center switching, routing, and analytics business to Extreme Networks™, Inc. (EXTR) a company that itself has been involved in a raft of acquisitions recently.

                                                  Broadcom then sold Brocade®’s Virtual Traffic Manager, (formerly known as the SteelApp Traffic Manager) to F5 as part of further divestiture of its IP product lines.

                                                  Other product line sales include the Vyatta and vRouter products to AT&T.  Its Virtual ADC product to Pulse Secure. And, its Connectem product to Mavenir.  In an unusual move, Brocade® is spinning off its SDN controller to a new startup called Lumina Networks.  And lastly, Brocade® sold off its Federal maintenance group to Hitachi Data Systems Federal.

                                                  Seem confusing? Ponder this: even Broadcom is not really Broadcom.  A little more than a year ago Avago Technologies agreed to acquire Broadcom; then took the Broadcom name for itself. But Broadcom still goes by the Avago ticker symbol (AVGO) on the NASDAQ. Prior to acquiring Broadcom the Avago management team had made a half-dozen acquisitions of technology companies including Emulex and LSI.

                                                  The chip industry has had a wave of acquisitions recently. Industry analysts point to more than $100 billion in deals in the last two years.  Just following all of these moves is exhausting.

                                                  Other Articles to Read: NY State Passes Right to Repair Bill

                                                  So while we are all waiting for the Brocade®/Broadcom merger to sort itself out feel free to call TeamKCI.  We’re tracking the Brocade®/Broadcom merger and will gladly discuss developments and provide guidance as merger details continue to evolve. For solid advice to guide your Brocade® and Foundry strategy call TeamKCI. We’ve been following the switch business for the last 35 years!
                                                  We maintain all Brocade equipment including Brocade® 6510, Brocade® 300, Brocade® 7600, Brocade® 6505, Brocade® FC16 48, Brocade 5300, Brocade® DCX 8510 Backbone.




                                                  KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                  Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                  Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries.

                                                    Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                                                    When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                    • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                    • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                    • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                    This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                    TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                    • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                    • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                    • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                    • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                    • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                    • Rapid problem determination
                                                    • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                    • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                    • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                    • Global support outreach
                                                    • Call Home Supported
                                                    • Dial-in Supported

                                                    "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                    -Major Financial Institution

                                                    Your Brocade® DCX is Now 2 Generations Back

                                                    Category : Uncategorized

                                                    Are you still paying full price for maintenance?

                                                    TeamKCI, America’s leading Brocade® third party maintenance provider, is now offering DCX maintenance at 75% off the Brocade® list.

                                                    The DCX, once Brocade®‘s flagship SAN director, was designated End-of-Life on May 15, 2014 and it will go End-of-Support on November 14, 2019.

                                                    While the manufacturer is winding down DCX support, here is a great way to save 75%. Simply let TeamKCI support your older Brocade® SAN equipment.

                                                    Why should you trust TeamKCI with your SAN?

                                                    • We are Brocade® subject matter experts.
                                                    • We offer the highest quality Brocade® service.
                                                    • We store a complete complement of spare parts on your premises.
                                                    • We provide access to a technical specialist trained on the Brocade® DCX within 15 minutes of making a service request.
                                                    • Four-hour onsite response time.
                                                    • 75% off the manufacturer’s list price.
                                                    • And we won’t raise your rates 10% per year like the manufacturer does

                                                    We not only maintain the Brocade® DCX, we also maintain all badged versions of the Brocade® DCX sold by:
                                                    • EMC® ED-DCX-B
                                                    • HPE® DCX Backbone
                                                    • HDS DCX
                                                    NetApp® DCX

                                                    Save now to help pay for your next infrastructure upgrade. Call, email or go to our website,, and we’ll start covering your DCX immediately.



                                                    KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                    Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                    NetApp® is registered trademarks of NetApp,Inc.

                                                    EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                      Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                      Email Address (required)
                                                      This is a request for:

                                                      When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                      • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                      • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                      • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                      This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                      TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                      • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                      • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                      • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                      • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                      • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                      • Rapid problem determination
                                                      • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                      • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                      • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                      • Global support outreach
                                                      • Call Home Supported
                                                      • Dial-in Supported

                                                      "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                      -Major Financial Institution

                                                      Has Your Brocade® 48000 Been Orphaned?

                                                      Category : Uncategorized

                                                      TeamKCI has assumed a major support role as customers seek alternative source for maintenance as 48000 support ends.


                                                      The Brocade® 48000 once flagship Brocade® SAN director reached End-Of-Support on February 17, 2016. Brocade® Communications is no longer supporting it.


                                                      There is an alternative, simply let TeamKCI maintain your Brocade® 48000(s). 


                                                      Why TeamKCI?
                                                      We are Brocade® subject matter experts that offer the best Brocade service available.
                                                      We store a complete complement of spare parts on your premises.
                                                      Quick turnaround. Receive your quote the same day.
                                                      Access to a technical specialist trained on the Brocade® 48000 within 15 minutes of making a call.
                                                      Four-hour onsite response time.
                                                      80% off the manufacturer’s list price.

                                                      We not only maintain the Brocade® 48000 but we also maintain the badged versions of the Brocade® 48000 sold by:
                                                      • EMC® ED-48000B
                                                      • HPE® 4/64®
                                                      • HDS 48000®
                                                      • NetApp® 48000

                                                      Don’t be caught without support on your critical infrastructure. Call or email TeamKCI today and we’ll start coverage immediately. If you have any questions please contact us via email or at the number. 

                                                      We also maintain these fine Brocade® EOL designated machines:




                                                      200E® 5000®
                                                      300® 5100®
                                                      4100® 5300®
                                                      4500® 6505®
                                                      4700® 6510®
                                                      4900® 6520®

                                                      We are TeamKCI, the leader in Brocade® SAN Support.



                                                      KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                      Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                      NetApp® is registered trademarks of NetApp,Inc.

                                                      EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                        Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                        Email Address (required)
                                                        This is a request for:

                                                        When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                        • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                        • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                        • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                        This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                        TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                        • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                        • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                        • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                        • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                        • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                        • Rapid problem determination
                                                        • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                        • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                        • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                        • Global support outreach
                                                        • Call Home Supported
                                                        • Dial-in Supported

                                                        "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                        -Major Financial Institution

                                                        Brocade® 7500 Reaches End-of-Support

                                                        Category : Uncategorized

                                                        The Brocade® 7500 extension switch will reach End-of-Support on August 15, 2016 (see announcement). After which this widely popular SAN extension switch will no longer be supported by Brocade®.

                                                        As Brocade® support ends you have several alternatives:

                                                        • Rush out and buy Brocade®’s latest extension switch the 7840; but the 7840 is expensive and you may not have any CapEx budget for it.
                                                        • Buy the somewhat newer Brocade® 7800 extension switch; but why change one extension switch for another when your current switch is working fine?
                                                          Ask TeamKCI to maintain your Brocade® 7500.With TeamKCI support for your 7500 you don’t have to make any new capital expenditures or rip and replace a switch that is doing its job. Plus our rates are well below what you are now paying Brocade®. We offer low cost support without sacrificing quality. And unlike other third-party maintenance providers we are true Brocade® subject matter experts. We can even help with software issues or re-configuration.Don’t let support for your critical infrastructure lapse. Call, email or follow this link for a same day quote on any Brocade® 7500 extension switch or for a maintenance quote on any other Brocade® product.




                                                        KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                        Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                          Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                          Email Address (required)
                                                          This is a request for:

                                                          When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                          • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                          • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                          • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                          This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                          TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                          • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                          • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                          • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                          • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                          • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                          • Rapid problem determination
                                                          • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                          • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                          • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                          • Global support outreach
                                                          • Call Home Supported
                                                          • Dial-in Supported

                                                          "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                          -Major Financial Institution

                                                          Foundry® Fades into Networking History

                                                          Category : Uncategorized

                                                          July 21st marks eight years since Brocade® Communications agreed to buy Foundry® Networks. Since then the name Foundry® and the Foundry® logo have disappeared from the networking landscape. Industry intelligence sources tells us that there are still hundreds if not thousands of customers world-wide that continue to use Foundry® products.

                                                          If your company is one of them you are likely evaluating these three options:

                                                          1. “Go Commando” – Doing your own maintenance is never a good idea.
                                                          2. “Rip & Replace” – Replacing all your legacy Foundry equipment with new products is expensive and not necessary when it is still working.
                                                          3. Third Party Maintenance – Find an experienced 3rd party maintenance provider who can provide top quality Foundry® support at 80% below manufacturer’s pricing.

                                                          We’d like to introduce you to TeamKCI, America’s leading maintenance provider, for comprehensive Foundry® networking support. If you’re concerned about continued support for Foundry® products we may have the right answer for you.

                                                          TeamKCI offers three different levels of Foundry® support:

                                                          • 24 x 7 with 4-hour onsite response
                                                          • 9 hours per day 5 days a week
                                                          • Next Business Day (NBD) parts.

                                                          Each level of support includes 24 x 7 tech support and help desk. Onsite support is four hour onsite and includes spare parts on premises, and is backed by the most accredited third party switch maintainer in the business. Check out the complete list of Foundry® EOL Dates, Foundry® parts we cover including machines such as Foundry Fast Iron Edge FES2402, Foundry Fast Iron Fi800, Foundry Edgeiron Eif4802cf.

                                                          As your network ages and parts become scarce count on TeamKCI to keep your network running the way it was designed to run.

                                                          *Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                            Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                            Email Address (required)
                                                            This is a request for:

                                                            When choosing a third-party support provider for Foundry®, you should consider things like:

                                                            • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Foundry®
                                                            • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                            • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                            This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                            TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                            • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                            • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                            • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Foundry® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                            • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                            • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                            • Rapid problem determination
                                                            • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                            • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                            • 100% genuine Foundry® parts
                                                            • Global support outreach
                                                            • Call Home Supported
                                                            • Dial-in Supported

                                                            "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                            -Major Financial Institution

                                                            Brocade® Announces First 32 Gbit/s – Gen 6 Switch

                                                            Category : Uncategorized

                                                            On March 1, 2016 Brocade® Communications announced its first Generation 6 (Gen 6) 32 Gbit/s SAN switch; the Brocade® G620 is a new high-density SAN switch that according to Brocade®, “boasts unprecedented performance and scalability designed to support data growth and demanding workloads for mission-critical applications”. A link with more detailed information about this Brocade® announcement is included below.

                                                            Brocade® Advances Leadership in Fibre Channel Storage Networks with Industry-First Gen 6 Switch

                                                            This announcement is significant for the following reason: As Brocade® will likely roll out its complete Gen 6 product line across 2016 it becomes very clear that 8 Gbit/s Gen 4 switches and directors, including the flagship DCX and the ever popular 5100, are legacy. There will not be any more software or firmware updates; nor will there be any bug fixes or patches because Gen 4 equipment is now two generations old. Brocade® customers should now feel free to move with confidence to third-party maintenance support for their legacy Gen 4 infrastructure.

                                                            We foresee the Brocade® announcement will:

                                                            • Accelerate the migration of Gen 4 8 Gbit/s customers to Gen 5 16 Gbit/s platforms as pre-owned opportunities emerge.
                                                            • Allow customers who continue with Gen4 8 Gbit/s technology to take advantage of opportunities to achieve huge savings with industry leading TeamKCI support for their Gen 4 hardware.

                                                            If you have any questions on any of the above or would just like to discuss your current hardware plans please feel free to give us a call at any time. We will, of course, keep you posted on any new Brocade® developments as they are announced.



                                                            KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                            Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                              Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                              Email Address (required)
                                                              This is a request for:

                                                              When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                              • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                              • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                              • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                              This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                              TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                              • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                              • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                              • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                              • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                              • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                              • Rapid problem determination
                                                              • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                              • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                              • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                              • Global support outreach
                                                              • Call Home Supported
                                                              • Dial-in Supported

                                                              "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                              -Major Financial Institution

                                                              TeamKCI Assumes Support for Brocade® 48000

                                                              Category : Uncategorized

                                                              The Brocade® 48000 once flagship Brocade® SAN director has reached End-of-Support, today, February 17, 2016. After today Brocade® will no longer support it.

                                                              But there is no need to panic; no need to upgrade to newer hardware; no need to buy spare machines or squirrel away parts. Simply let TeamKCI maintain your Brocade® 48000(s).

                                                              Here’s why:

                                                              • We are subject matter experts that offer the best Brocade® service available anywhere at 80% off the manufacturer’s list price.
                                                              • We will store a complete complement of spare parts on your premises.
                                                              • We guaranty that you will speak to a trained technical specialist trained on Brocade® 48K directors with 15 minutes of making a call. And,
                                                              • We will be onsite within four-hours of your initial call.



                                                              KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                              Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                Email Address (required)
                                                                This is a request for:

                                                                When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                • Rapid problem determination
                                                                • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                • Global support outreach
                                                                • Call Home Supported
                                                                • Dial-in Supported

                                                                "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                -Major Financial Institution

                                                                Brocade® Announces EOL for DCX 8-Gbps Blades

                                                                Category : Uncategorized

                                                                Brocade® has announced that it is initiating its End-of-Life process for Brocade® FC8-16, FC8-32, FC8-48  and FC8-64 blades for the Brocade® DCX family of directors. The Brocade® notice also states that the last date Brocade® will accept orders for 8-Gbps blades is November 30, 2015 (Brocade® Notice). Directly after the Brocade® announcement, TeamKCI announced that it will stock replacement blades for the Brocade® DCX family and guaranty availability for the next 6 years through December 31, 2021.

                                                                TeamKCI has significant quantities of the aforementioned Brocade® FC8-16, FC8-32, FC8-48  and FC8-64 DCX blades in stock. Also on hand are Brocade® 16-Gbps blades and 8-Gbps “e” blades for the newer DCX8510 director. One final point: TeamKCI offers 24 x 7 maintenance coverage for Brocade® DCX directors at rates that are 65% less than Brocade®.

                                                                So if your plans call for Brocade® DCX director blades contact TeamKCI here and let us work with you on blade upgrades, configuration issues, maintenance and monitoring.



                                                                KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                                Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                  Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                  Email Address (required)
                                                                  This is a request for:

                                                                  When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                  • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                  • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                  • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                  This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                  TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                  • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                  • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                  • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                  • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                  • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                  • Rapid problem determination
                                                                  • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                  • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                  • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                  • Global support outreach
                                                                  • Call Home Supported
                                                                  • Dial-in Supported

                                                                  "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                  -Major Financial Institution

                                                                  What’s Your NetApp® Plan?

                                                                  Category : Uncategorized

                                                                  Hey NetApp® users what’s your NetApp plan?  Do you know what your next storage platform will be? Will it even be manufactured by NetApp? Tough questions that are not all that easy to answer.

                                                                  As NetApp transitions its product lines it is a reasonable proposition to develop a plan for your next platform. But what will that next platform be? Many NetApp platforms still in use are now designated end-of-Life (EOL) by the manufacturer – just check out our NetApp EOL table. A transition path is not all that clear. But the one thing that is clear, is that if you are moving from NetApp or staying with NetApp there is no better time to move your legacy NetApp storage to TeamKCI for savings of over 50% until the time comes for you to make a decision on your next storage platform.

                                                                  We also point out that IBM® has announced it has the discontinued NSeries – the IBM® badged version of the NetApp product line. What better indication of a seismic shift in NetApp platforms?  All the more reason to save while you transition to your next NetApp®, EMC®, HDS, IBM® or Dell® storage solution.

                                                                  In the meantime take a look at TeamKCI support. We place spare parts on premises; diagnose problems remotely; and, save you over 50% when compared to OEM prices. We deliver OEM class service at a fraction of the price. Give us your configuration here and we’ll get back to you with a price quote that we guaranty will generate huge savings.  For over 33 years your source for independent switch and NetApp maintenance including support for NetApp FAS 2220, NetApp FAS 2240-2, NetApp FAS2040, NetApp FAS2020.

                                                                  NetApp® is registered trademarks of NetApp,Inc.

                                                                  EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                                  IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

                                                                  EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries

                                                                    Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                    Email Address (required)
                                                                    This is a request for:

                                                                    When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                    • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                    • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                    • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                    This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                    TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                    • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                    • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                    • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                    • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                    • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                    • Rapid problem determination
                                                                    • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                    • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                    • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                    • Global support outreach
                                                                    • Call Home Supported
                                                                    • Dial-in Supported

                                                                    "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                    -Major Financial Institution

                                                                    HPE® StorageWorks 4/256 Nears End-Of-Support Date

                                                                    Category : Uncategorized

                                                                    In May 2005, Brocade® introduced its then flagship 48000 director, a 4 Gbps director with an eight (8) blade capacity, each blade capable of attaching up to 48 ports, for a total capacity of 384 ports. HPE® re-branded the 48K and sold it as the HPE® StorageWorks 4/256 SAN Switch. It was designed by Brocade® to compete with McData® and Cisco® its two main rivals (at the time) in the director space. Back then the HPE® StorageWorks 4/256 was “state of the art”. Now it is a bit old – legacy if you will – and was designated End-of-Life in January 2011 roughly five and one half years after its introduction. Soon, February 1, 2016, the HPE® StorageWorks 4/256 SAN Switch will reach its End-of-Support date with HP.

                                                                    There is no need to panic or make a quick decision to upgrade. TeamKCI will pick up support the day your HPE® support contract runs out. No need to squirrel away parts, buy spare machines to store in your parts closet or read up on maintenance procedures. TeamKCI will maintain your HPE® StorageWorks 4/256 SAN Switch as good as or even better than the manufacturer at prices that will shock you and make you wonder why you didn’t move your HPE® StorageWorks 4/256 SAN Switch maintenance over to TeamKCI earlier.

                                                                    We guaranty that you will be able to talk to a technical specialist within fifteen minutes of making a service call any time of day or night. Four-hour onsite response time (though in reality we average less than two hours). A full complement of spare parts stored on premises to facilitate rapid repairs. Product engineers who speak the language and can help you reconfigure your HPE® StorageWorks 4/256 SAN Switch or restore corrupted software or other machines such as HPE® Procurve j8698a and HPE® j8697a.

                                                                    Top of the rack service at bottom of the rack prices. Exactly what you would expect from the leader in SAN director support. For a quick and accurate quote go to our website and tell us the configurations of the legacy machines you are interested in having us support here. Find out why for over 33 years TeamKCI has been America’s top switch solution provider.​

                                                                    Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                    Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                                                                    United States and certain other countries.

                                                                    McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                      Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                      Email Address (required)
                                                                      This is a request for:

                                                                      When choosing a third-party support provider for HPE, you should consider things like:

                                                                      • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support HPE
                                                                      • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                      • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                      This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                      TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                      • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                      • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                      • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on HPE equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                      • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                      • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                      • Rapid problem determination
                                                                      • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                      • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                      • 100% genuine HPE parts
                                                                      • Global support outreach
                                                                      • Call Home Supported
                                                                      • Dial-in Supported

                                                                      "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                      -Major Financial Institution

                                                                      IBM® 2109-M48 Nears End-of-Support Date

                                                                      Category : Uncategorized

                                                                      In May 2005, Brocade® introduced its then flagship 48000 director, a 4 Gbps director with an eight (8) blade capacity, each blade capable of attaching up to 48 ports, for a total capacity of 384 ports. IBM® re-branded the 48K and sold it as the 2109-M28 (a.k.a. SAN256B). It was designed by Brocade® to compete with McData® and Cisco® its two main rivals (at the time) in the director space. Back then the IBM® 2109- M48 (Brocade® 48K was “state of the art”.  Now it is a bit old – legacy if you will – and was designated End-of-Life in January 2011 roughly five and one half years after its introduction. Soon, on November 30, 2015, the IBM® 2109-M48 will be withdrawn from service by IBM®.

                                                                      There is no need to panic or make a quick decision to upgrade. TeamKCI will pick up support the day your IBM® support contract runs out. No need to squirrel away parts, buy spare machines to store in your parts closet, or read up on maintenance procedures. TeamKCI will maintain your IBM® 2109-M48 as good as or even better than the manufacturer at prices that will shock you and make you wonder why you didn’t move your IBM® 2109-M48 maintenance over to TeamKCI earlier.

                                                                      We guaranty that you will be able to talk to a technical specialist within fifteen minutes of making a service call any time of day or night. Four-hour onsite response time (though in reality we average less than two hours). A full complement of spare parts stored on premises to facilitate rapid repairs. Product engineers who speak the language and can help you reconfigure your IBM® 2109-M48 or restore corrupted software. Top of the rack service at bottom of the rack prices. Exactly what you would expect from the leader in switching technology support.



                                                                      KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                                      Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                      Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                                                                      United States and certain other countries.

                                                                      IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

                                                                      McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                        Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                        Email Address (required)
                                                                        This is a request for:

                                                                        When choosing a third-party support provider for IBM®, you should consider things like:

                                                                        • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support IBM®
                                                                        • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                        • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                        This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                        TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                        • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                        • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                        • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on IBM® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                        • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                        • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                        • Rapid problem determination
                                                                        • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                        • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                        • 100% genuine IBM® parts
                                                                        • Global support outreach
                                                                        • Call Home Supported
                                                                        • Dial-in Supported

                                                                        "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                        -Major Financial Institution

                                                                        EMC® ED-48000B Nears End-of-Support Date

                                                                        Category : Uncategorized

                                                                        In May 2005, Brocade® introduced its then flagship 48000 director, a 4 Gbps director with an eight (8) blade capacity, each blade capable of atEMC ED-48000taching up to 48 ports, for a total capacity of 384 ports. EMC® re-branded the 48K and sold it as the ED-48000B.  It was designed by Brocade® to compete with McData® and Cisco® its two main rivals (at the time) in the director space. Back then the EMC® ED-48000B (Brocade® 48K) was “state of the art”.  Now it is a bit old – legacy if you will – and was designated End-of-Life in January 2011 roughly five and one half years after its introduction. Soon, on January 31, 2016, the EMC® ED-48000B will reach its End-of-Support date with EMC®.

                                                                        There is no need to panic or make a quick decision to upgrade. TeamKCI will pick up support the day your EMC® support contract runs out. No need to squirrel away parts, buy spare machines to store in your parts closet or read up on maintenance procedures. TeamKCI will maintain your EMC® ED-48000B as good as or even better than the manufacturer at prices that will shock you and make you wonder why you didn’t move your EMC® ED-48000B maintenance over to TeamKCI earlier.

                                                                        We guaranty that you will be able to talk to a technical specialist within fifteen minutes of making a service call any time of day or night. Four-hour onsite response time (though in reality we average less than two hours). A full complement of spare parts stored on premises to facilitate rapid repairs. Product engineers who speak the language and can help you reconfigure your ED-48000B or restore corrupted software. Top of the rack service at bottom of the rack prices. Exactly what you would expect from the leader in switching technology support. Our Cisco maintenance® includes support for Cisco® MDS 9000, Cisco® MDS 9509, Cisco® WS 2960, Cisco® catalyst 4500 Series Switches, Cisco® 2800, Cisco® Catalyst 6500 and 6500 E series. We also provide many Cisco® Hardware Sales.

                                                                        Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                        Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                                                                        United States and certain other countries.

                                                                        EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                                        McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                          Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                          Email Address (required)
                                                                          This is a request for:

                                                                          When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                          • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                          • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                          • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                          This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                          TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                          • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                          • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                          • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                          • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                          • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                          • Rapid problem determination
                                                                          • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                          • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                          • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                          • Global support outreach
                                                                          • Call Home Supported
                                                                          • Dial-in Supported

                                                                          "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                          -Major Financial Institution

                                                                          Should Brocade® Support Cost $20,000 Per Year?

                                                                          Category : Uncategorized

                                                                          Should Brocade® DCX maintenance really cost over $20,000 per year? It really shouldn’t! That’s why TeamKCI offers a much more attractively priced alternative. We provide round-the-clock 24 x 7 tech support, guarantee 4-hour onsite service and utilize the dial-in end call home features. Unlike the manufacturer, we store a full complement of spare parts on premises to facilitate rapid repairs – at no extra cost! Over 33 years of specialization in switching products is what elevates TeamKCI award winning (link) support above the competition. We’ve been #1 in Brocade® support for a very long time and for a very good reason. Call, email or IM today

                                                                            Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                            Email Address (required)
                                                                            This is a request for:




                                                                            KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                                            Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                            When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                            • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                            • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                            • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                            This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                            TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                            • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                            • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                            • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                            • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                            • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                            • Rapid problem determination
                                                                            • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                            • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                            • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                            • Global support outreach
                                                                            • Call Home Supported
                                                                            • Dial-in Supported

                                                                            "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                            -Major Financial Institution

                                                                            Brocade® 48000 Nears End-of-Support Date

                                                                            Category : Uncategorized

                                                                            In May 2005, Brocade® introduced its then flagship 48000 director, a 4 Gbps director with an eight (8) blade capacity, each blade capable of attaching up to 48 ports, for a total capacity of 384 ports. The 48K as it was known was designed to compete with McData® and Cisco® its two main rivals (at the time) in the director space. At one time the Brocade® 48K was “state of the art”.  Now it is a bit old – legacy if you will – and was designated End-of-Life in June 2010 roughly five years after its introduction. Soon, on February 17, 2016, the Brocade® 48K will reach its Brocade® End-of-Support date.

                                                                            There is no need to panic or make a quick decision to upgrade. TeamKCI will pick up support the day your Brocade® support contract runs out. No need to squirrel away parts, buy spare machines to store in your parts closet or read up on maintenance procedures. TeamKCI will maintain your Brocade® 48K as good as or even better than the manufacturer at prices that will shock you and make you wonder why you didn’t move your Brocade® 48K maintenance over to TeamKCI earlier.

                                                                            We guaranty that you will be able to talk to a technical specialist within fifteen minutes of making a service call any time of day or night. Four-hour onsite response time (though in reality we average less than two hours). A full complement of spare parts stored on premises to facilitate rapid repairs. Product engineers who speak the language and can help you reconfigure your 48k or restore corrupted software. Top of the rack service at bottom of the rack prices. Exactly what you would expect from the leader in switching technology support.

                                                                              Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                                                                              KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                                              Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                              Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                                                                              United States and certain other countries.

                                                                              McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                              When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                              • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                              • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                              • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                              This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                              TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                              • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                              • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                              • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                              • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                              • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                              • Rapid problem determination
                                                                              • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                              • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                              • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                              • Global support outreach
                                                                              • Call Home Supported
                                                                              • Dial-in Supported

                                                                              "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                              -Major Financial Institution

                                                                              Tell Us Your Plans!

                                                                              Category : Uncategorized

                                                                              We love to have our customers tell us their plans so that we understand what motivates their support requests. We pride ourselves in our ability to craft creative solutions that provide high quality solutions and value. We accept the challenges of each unique opportunity and are happy to work with you, our customers, towards achieving these goals. Please send us your feedback because it is through your input that we achieve the synergy of our collective efforts!

                                                                              When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                              • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                              • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                              • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                              This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                              TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                              • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                              • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                              • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                              • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                              • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                              • Rapid problem determination
                                                                              • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                              • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                              • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                              • Global support outreach
                                                                              • Call Home Supported
                                                                              • Dial-in Supported

                                                                              "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                              -Major Financial Institution

                                                                              TeamKCI Announces DCX Maintenance

                                                                              Category : Uncategorized

                                                                              TeamKCI is pleased to announce it has expanded its award winning worldwide support program to include Brocade® DCX directors at rates that are significantly less than the manufacturer’s suggested retail price.  TeamKCI has also begun offering round-the-clock monitoring for Enterprise customers becoming the only independent data center hardware maintenance provider to offer this service for DCX®.  With TeamKCI, our customers get:

                                                                              • Top of the line manufacturer’s quality support.
                                                                              • Spare parts stored on premises to facilitate rapid repairs.
                                                                              • DCX hardware upgrades drastically reduced.
                                                                              • 65% off manufacturer’s maintenance rates.
                                                                              • Round-the-clock monitoring at 60% off manufacturer’s rates.

                                                                              As you begin preparing your 2016 support budget make sure TeamKCI is in your plans for quality service, dependability, and big cost savings.


                                                                                Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                                                                                KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                                                Brocade®is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                • Global support outreach
                                                                                • Call Home Supported
                                                                                • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                The Last Place on Earth for Top Quality Telenex Support

                                                                                Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                Telenex a once independent switch manufacturer was purchased by General Signal Networks in 1996; General Signal Networks was rolled up into an IPO in 2000 and renamed InRange Technologies; InRange was acquired by Computer Network Technology (CNT) in 2003; CNT was acquired by McData® Corp in 2005; McData® was acquired by Brocade® Communication Systems in 2007. Brocade® sold off the Telenex product lines to Intellipath in 2007 which quickly changed its name to OnPath Technologies. OnPath was purchased by NetScout in 2012.

                                                                                None of the aforementioned companies maintain Telenex 2700 hardware anymore.  But there are still over 125 Telenex matrix switches in use in key Wide Area Networking applications that utilize this hard to replace technology.  If your company is one of those companies still using Telenex 2700 technology you should be talking to TeamKCI.   We’ve been maintaining Telenex 2700 wide area network switches for the last twenty years. So while we may be the last place on earth where you can find maintenance for your Telenex equipment, we’re also the best place on earth for legacy Telenex switches.  We have Telenex product engineers trained by Telenex; store spare parts on premises; and at one time or another have supported over 200 Telenex switches nationwide.  So don’t delay!

                                                                                Welcome to the last place on Earth for the best Telenex support on Earth.

                                                                                Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                  Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                                                                                  When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                  • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                  • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                  • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                  This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                  TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                  • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                  • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                  • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                  • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                  • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                  • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                  • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                  • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                  • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                  • Global support outreach
                                                                                  • Call Home Supported
                                                                                  • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                  "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                  -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                  Cisco® 9513 Blended Support

                                                                                  Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                  The TeamKCI blended support program for Cisco® 9513 directors is perfect for many Cisco® legacy 9513 director users. If you’re a Cisco® customer with the quandary of having your Cisco® MDS director eligible for SMARTnet® while the internal blades in your Cisco® 9513 MDS are not, look into our TeamKCI blended support program. It works like this. Keep your Cisco® 9513 MDS director under SMARTnet® while placing the EOL and EOS port blades under award winning TeamKCI support. It’s easy, workable, inexpensive and keeps your SAN fully protected. TeamKCI makes SMARTnet® smarter.

                                                                                  Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                                                                                  United States and certain other countries.

                                                                                    Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                    Email Address (required)
                                                                                    This is a request for:

                                                                                    When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                    • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                    • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                    • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                    This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                    TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                    • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                    • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                    • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                    • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                    • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                    • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                    • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                    • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                    • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                    • Global support outreach
                                                                                    • Call Home Supported
                                                                                    • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                    "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                    -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                    Brocade® DCX

                                                                                    Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                    A paradigm shift occurred in early 2015 when Brocade® announced End-of-Life (EOL) for its flagship DCX SAN director. EOL traditionally signifies the end of new software and firmware developments along with the cessation of bug fixes. EOL freezes all software and firmware at the level it is at. Going forward, customers no longer need to be concerned about ongoing software or firmware support. TeamKCI responded to the Brocade® announcement with its own announcement to support Brocade® DCX directors at 65% less than the manufacturer’s list price for comparable SLAs. TeamKCI program includes round-the-clock TAC support, spare parts on premises and 4-hour onsite response time.


                                                                                      Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                                                                                      KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                                                      Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                      When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                      • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                      • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                      • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                      This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                      TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                      • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                      • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                      • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                      • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                      • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                      • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                      • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                      • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                      • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                      • Global support outreach
                                                                                      • Call Home Supported
                                                                                      • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                      "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                      -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                      TeamKCI Blended Cisco® Support

                                                                                      Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                      If you find you can’t get full maintenance support for Cisco® MDS 9513 directors because some of the blades are no longer supported under SMARTnet® we would like to suggest TeamKCI Blended Cisco® Support. Here is how it works:

                                                                                      smart net cisco

                                                                                      We first note that Cisco® 9513 MDS director chassis are not End-of-Life (EOL) though many of the blades in them are, and some 9513 port blades have reached End-of-Support. Many Cisco® customers will have MDS 9513 director chassis that are eligible for maintenance under Cisco®  SMARTnet® program, while the blades inside these directors are not supported. The dilemma for most customers is making sure that both the MDS 9513 chassis and the port blades are covered.

                                                                                      Enter the TeamKCI Blended Cisco® Support program. We encourage our customers with eligible 9513 MDS directors to keep them under SMARTnet® while at the same time putting their MDS port blades not eligible for SMARTnet® under TeamKCI support. The chassis and corresponding software and firmware will be covered under SMARTnet®. TeamKCI covers all the blades that Cisco® no longer covers. We maintain the blades; Cisco® maintains the chassis while you enjoy the benefits. We offer NBD parts or guaranteed 4-hour onsite response, whichever you prefer. Since we do not maintain the chassis, the OS, or the firmware, your Cisco® MDS 9513 will remain under Cisco® SMARTnet® support.

                                                                                      ​The TeamKCI Blended Cisco® Support program is the perfect alternative to taking the risk that part of your Cisco® 9513 is not covered. And our blended support program is priced well below original Cisco® manufacturer’s pricing. In addition to the Cisco® MDS 9513, TeamKCI maintains many other Cisco® machines including Cisco® MDS 9000 models and the Cisco® MDS 9509, Cisco® WS 2960, Cisco® catalyst 4500 Series Switches, Cisco® Catalyst 6500 and 6500 E series, Cisco® 2800. TeamKCI also has premier Cisco® Hardware Sales.

                                                                                      One fifteen minute call with one of our specialists will make you a believer. Don’t delay. Let us know when you are available and we’ll show you how to keep your MDS 9513 director fully covered.

                                                                                      Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                                                                                      United States and certain other countries.

                                                                                        Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                        Email Address (required)
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                                                                                        When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                        • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                        • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                        • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                        This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                        TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                        • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                        • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                        • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                        • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                        • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                        • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                        • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                        • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                        • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                        • Global support outreach
                                                                                        • Call Home Supported
                                                                                        • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                        "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                        -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                        TeamKCI Announces Brocade® USDX Support

                                                                                        Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                        If losing support for your USDX channel extender network is not an option, call TeamKCI today. Brocade® has ceased maintaining all versions of the USDX as of May 15, 2015.

                                                                                        TeamKCI offers an alternative. As switching experts for the last 33 years and America’s #1 independent maintainer of Brocade® equipment, TeamKCI will gladly maintain your USDX directors for as long as you choose to use them. No limits. No End-of-Life dates. No End-of-Service dates. Just continue to use your USDX until you’re ready to move to a different platform. Find out more about Brocade® USDX.

                                                                                        TeamKCI support includes all parts, remote dial-in support, 4-hour onsite response time and change management services.

                                                                                        If continuing to use your Brocade® USDX channel extenders are part of your plans don’t hesitate, TeamKCI is ready to step in today. Call us and we’ll put together a cost-effective plan to keep your USDX platform running for as long as you choose to use it.

                                                                                          Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                                                                                          Other Articles to Read: NY State Passes Right To Repair Bill



                                                                                          KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                                                          Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                          When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                          • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                          • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                          • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                          This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                          TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                          • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                          • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                          • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                          • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                          • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                          • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                          • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                          • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                          • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                          • Global support outreach
                                                                                          • Call Home Supported
                                                                                          • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                          "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                          -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                          TeamKCI Announces Brocade® USDX Support as Brocade® End Its Support

                                                                                          Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                          If losing support for your USDX channel extender network is not an option call TeamKCI today. Brocade® will cease maintaining all versions of the USDX on May 15, 2015 – less than eight months down the road. Some customers are even being told they cannot renew their maintenance agreement if a one year renewal contract would carry them past the May 15, 2015 End-of-Service date.

                                                                                          TeamKCI offers an alternative. As switching experts for the last 32 years and America’s #1 independent maintainer of Brocade® equipment, TeamKCI will gladly maintain your USDX directors for as long as you choose to use them. No limits. No End-of-Life dates. No End-of-Service dates. Just continue to use your USDX until you’re ready to move to a different platform.

                                                                                          TeamKCI support includes all parts, remote dial-in support, 4-hour on-site response time and change management services.

                                                                                          If continuing to use your Brocade® USDX channel extenders are part of your plans don’t hesitate, TeamKCI is ready to step in today. Call us and we’ll put together a cost-effective plan to keep your USDXs running for as long as you choose to use them.



                                                                                          KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

                                                                                          Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                          When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                          • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                          • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                          • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                          This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                          TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                          • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                          • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                          • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                          • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                          • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                          • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                          • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                          • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                          • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                          • Global support outreach
                                                                                          • Call Home Supported
                                                                                          • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                          "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                          -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                          TeamKCI Announces 60% Off DCX Maintenance

                                                                                          Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                          TeamKCI is pleased to announce it has expanded its award-winning worldwide support program to include Brocade® DCX directors at rates that are 60% less than the manufacturers suggested retail price. TeamKCI has also begun offering round-the-clock monitoring for Enterprise customers becoming the only independent maintenance provider to offer this service. With TeamKCI, our customers get:

                                                                                          • Top of the line manufacturer’s quality support.DCX_featured
                                                                                          • Spare parts stored on premises to facilitate rapid repairs.
                                                                                          • 70% + off all DCX hardware upgrades
                                                                                          • 60% off manufacturer’s maintenance rates.
                                                                                          • Round-the-clock monitoring at 60% off manufacturer’s rates.

                                                                                          As you begin preparing your 2015 support budget put TeamKCI in your plans for quality, dependability and cost conscious savings.

                                                                                          It’s not too good to believe. It’s TeamKCI.

                                                                                          “Tomorrow’s Company for Yesterday’s Equipment”

                                                                                          Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                            Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                            Email Address (required)
                                                                                            This is a request for:

                                                                                            When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                            • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                            • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                            • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                            This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                            TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                            • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                            • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                            • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                            • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                            • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                            • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                            • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                            • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                            • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                            • Global support outreach
                                                                                            • Call Home Supported
                                                                                            • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                            "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                            -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                            TeamKCI Announces Brocade® Network Monitoring for DCX

                                                                                            Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                            TeamKCI has launched a new generation of remote monitoring services to help customers more effectively manage application and network performance end-to-end across their data center fabrics.DCX

                                                                                            The TeamKCI DCX Monitoring Service helps organizations reduce downtime, optimize resource utilization and better meet business requirements for application performance.

                                                                                            TeamKCI Monitoring Service begins with Brocade® DCX class directors and provides a secure architecture for proactive, remote network monitoring, alerting and reporting.

                                                                                            TeamKCI Monitoring Service includes:

                                                                                            ·         24x7x365 expert monitoring and analysis of network health

                                                                                            ·         Real-time and historical performance information

                                                                                            ·         Flexible architecture for event correlation and policy-based business intelligence

                                                                                            ·         Back-up in the event of a lost internet connection

                                                                                            ·         Customer access portal

                                                                                            TeamKCI can also monitor a long list of switch status parameters including: power supplies, temperatures, fans, WWN cards, CP cards, port blades, core blades, flash thresholds, faulty ports, missing SFPs and error ports; alerting customers in real time to potential problems before they happen.

                                                                                            “TeamKCI Network Monitoring is a major leap forward in third-party maintenance. With it, our customers now have the ability to monitor and manage SAN Fabrics at a small fraction of the manufactures price.” said Wayne Duglin, EVP of TeamKCI.

                                                                                            If you would like more information about TeamKCI Monitoring Service please contact:

                                                                                            Debra Kaplove

                                                                                            Phone: (201) 934-6500 ext. 20


                                                                                            Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                              Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                              Email Address (required)
                                                                                              This is a request for:

                                                                                              When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                              • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                              • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                              • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                              This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                              TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                              • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                              • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                              • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                              • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                              • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                              • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                              • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                              • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                              • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                              • Global support outreach
                                                                                              • Call Home Supported
                                                                                              • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                              "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                              -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                              Brocade® Announces DCX End-of-Life (EOL)

                                                                                              Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                              Brocade® Communications (BRCD) has announced the initiation of End-of-Life (EOL) for its flagship DCX SAN director. DCX_featuredHistorically going forward this means that there will be no new software upgrades, no new firmware enhancements and no new bug fixes. Also starting in 2015 there will be yearly maintenance price increases of 10% for five (5) years until the DCX reaches End-of-Support.

                                                                                              The good news is that DCX customers are no longer encumbered by the fear of losing access to software and firmware enhancements and are now free to choose the best and most cost effective support program available.

                                                                                              That is why TeamKCI is pleased to announce it has expanded its award-winning worldwide support to include Brocade® DCX and DCX4S directors at rates that are 60% less than Brocade®’s published rates. TeamKCI is also offering round-the-clock monitoring for Enterprise customers becoming the first and only independent maintenance provider to offer this service.

                                                                                              For a moderate size SAN with only six (6) DCX directors, yearly savings of over $100,000 can be achieved.

                                                                                              Don’t delay. Call or email today and start saving immediately on the best Brocade® DCX support in the market.   

                                                                                               “Tomorrow’s company for yesterday’s equipment”

                                                                                              Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                Email Address (required)
                                                                                                This is a request for:

                                                                                                When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                                • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                                • Global support outreach
                                                                                                • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                TeamKCI Announces Foundry® Networks Support – TeamKCI

                                                                                                Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                TeamKCI is pleased to announce maintenance support for legacy Foundry Networks networking gear.Foundry Networks

                                                                                                Foundry Networks®, Inc. was a leading provider of high-performance enterprise and service provider switching, routing, security, and application traffic management solutions. It merged with Brocade® Communications on December 18, 2008. The Foundry acquisition gave Brocade® the networking products including Ethernet switches, Web and content-aware application switches and network security solutions, to compete with other high performance networking solutions companies such as Cisco®, F5, Juniper and Force10.

                                                                                                Today five and one-half years later virtually all Foundry products have been re-branded and most original Foundry products have been designated End-of-Life (EOL) and/or End-of-Support (EOS) by Brocade®.  Odds are if it says Foundry on the side the likelihood is that Brocade® soon won’t maintain it – but TeamKCI will.

                                                                                                TeamKCI, founded in 1982, is America’s leading Brocade® SAN & networking support company, dedicated to providing our customers outstanding support to help minimize network outages and reduce operational expenditures. TeamKCI offers a wide range of support programs and professional services. Call or email to find out about the high quality low cost maintenance support options we offer for legacy Foundry Network products and view the Foundry EOL dates. We maintain many legacy Foundry machines such as Foundry Fast Iron Edge FES2402, Foundry Fast Iron Fi800, Foundry Edgeiron Eif4802cf.

                                                                                                Legacy Foundry support another innovation from TeamKCI.

                                                                                                Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                                                                                                United States and certain other countries.

                                                                                                  Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                  Email Address (required)
                                                                                                  This is a request for:

                                                                                                  When choosing a third-party support provider for Foundry®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                  • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Foundry®
                                                                                                  • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                  • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                  This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                  TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                  • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                  • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                  • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Foundry® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                  • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                  • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                  • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                  • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                  • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                  • 100% genuine Foundry® parts
                                                                                                  • Global support outreach
                                                                                                  • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                  • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                  "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                  -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                  Brocade® Support for 4 Gbps Ends on February 28, 2014

                                                                                                  Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                  Mahwah, NJ – February 28, 2014 looms large as the End-of-Support date for five Brocade® machines as the Storage Area McData Interprid 10000 (i10K)Network leader ends support for remaining 4 Gbps platforms. Most notably on the End-of-Support list are the McData® 6140 and the McData® i10k directors that moved over to Brocade® after the acquisition of McData® in 2006.  The other three machines losing Brocade® support are the Brocade® 200E, 4900 and 5000.

                                                                                                  TeamKCI services all Brocade® (and McData® ) devices that have been designated End-of-Support by Brocade® including all the machines mentioned above at rates that are 50%-70% less than Brocade®‘s rates. For continuing support options and more details about our award winning maintenance (Verizon award) please contact Jeff Klein at 201-934-7286 or email   

                                                                                                  TeamKCI also maintains legacy Cisco®, Juniper, BlueCoat, F5, NetApp® and EMC® platforms. For a quote on any of these systems please contact  Jeff Klein at 201-934-7286 or email or visit our website at

                                                                                                  Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                  NetApp® is registered trademarks of NetApp,Inc.

                                                                                                  Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                                                                                                  United States and certain other countries.

                                                                                                  EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                                                                  McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                                    Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                    Email Address (required)
                                                                                                    This is a request for:

                                                                                                    When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                    • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                                    • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                    • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                    This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                    TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                    • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                    • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                    • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                    • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                    • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                    • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                    • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                    • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                    • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                                    • Global support outreach
                                                                                                    • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                    • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                    "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                    -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                    “McData®-geddon” Approaching

                                                                                                    Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                    “McData®-geddon” Approaching

                                                                                                    As McData® 6140 and i10k Directors Reach End-of-Support

                                                                                                    Mahwah, NJ February 28, 2014 marks the End-of-Support for the McData® 6140 and McData® i10k directors by Brocade®. These machines were the last two McData® designed directors that Brocade® continued to support after its takeover of McData® in late 2006 now more than seven years ago.

                                                                                                    Also slated for End-of-Support on February 28, 2014 are the Brocade® 4900, Brocade® 5000 and Brocade® 200E all 4-Gbps switches, as Brocade® support for 4-Gbps platforms ends.

                                                                                                    TeamKCI services all Brocade® devices that have been designated End-of-Support by Brocade® including all the machines mentioned above at rates that are 50%-70% less than Brocade®’s rates. For continuing support options and more details about our award winning maintenance (link to Verizon award) please contact Jeff Klein at 201-934-7286 or email

                                                                                                    Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                    McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                                      Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                      Email Address (required)
                                                                                                      This is a request for:

                                                                                                      When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                      • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                      • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                      • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                      This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                      TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                      • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                      • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                      • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                      • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                      • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                      • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                      • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                      • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                      • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                      • Global support outreach
                                                                                                      • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                      • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                      "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                      -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                      Special Opportunity | Brocade® DCX 8510

                                                                                                      Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                      A special opportunity has brought two (2) Brocade® 8510 directors into our inventory.  These machines have 128 16 Gbps ports each and are IBM® badged and IBM® “banded”.

                                                                                                      The exact configuration is as follows:

                                                                                                            IBM® 2499-816 (DCX 8510)               $136,769.

                                                                                                      • 2802 (4) SW SFP 8 Gbps
                                                                                                      • 2809 (15) SW SFP 8 Gbps – 8 pack
                                                                                                      • 2821 (4) SFP 8 GBPS10 KM LW
                                                                                                      • 3632 (4) FC 16GBPS 32 Port Blade


                                                                                                      List Price:          $457,319.

                                                                                                                                   TeamKCI Price:     $115,000.  (25% of List)

                                                                                                      Call today as quantities are limited.

                                                                                                      Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                      IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

                                                                                                        Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                        Email Address (required)
                                                                                                        This is a request for:

                                                                                                        When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                        • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                                        • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                        • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                        This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                        TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                        • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                        • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                        • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                        • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                        • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                        • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                        • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                        • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                        • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                                        • Global support outreach
                                                                                                        • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                        • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                        "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                        -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                        The Sky is Falling on Brocade® DCX Prices

                                                                                                        Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                        If you’re in the market for a Brocade® DCX or a DCX blade upgrade you couldn’t have picked a better time. WithBrocade DCX Backbone Brocade® selling the heck out of the new 16 Gbps capable Gen 5 DCX 8510 backbone director, older Brocade® DCX directors have hit the market en masse and have caused DCX chassis and blade prices to plummet.

                                                                                                        DCX chassis which sold at over $35,000 at the retail level before the summer have dropped below $20,000 today.  

                                                                                                        Thirty-two port FC8-32 blades have dropped from $7000 in the spring to $5000 today. And, forty-eight port FC8-48 blades have dropped 38% from $12,000 to $7,500.

                                                                                                        So if you’re thinking of upgrading, now may be the perfect time to take advantage of the recent market pull back. 

                                                                                                        Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                          Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                          Email Address (required)
                                                                                                          This is a request for:

                                                                                                          When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                          • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                                          • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                          • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                          This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                          TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                          • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                          • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                          • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                          • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                          • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                          • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                          • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                          • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                          • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                                          • Global support outreach
                                                                                                          • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                          • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                          "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                          -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                          Attention EMC® Connectrix Users!

                                                                                                          Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                          SmileyYellingAttention EMC® Connectrix Users!

                                                                                                          Manufacturer’s support for EMC® badged Connectrix 4900 and 5000 switches, and Connectrix 6140 directors will end on January 31, 2014. 

                                                                                                          If you are using these machines and plan to continue using them beyond this date, please contact TeamKCI immediately for continued coverage.  We can even get you covered that same day at 60% less than OEM prices.

                                                                                                          EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                                                                            Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                            Email Address (required)
                                                                                                            This is a request for:

                                                                                                            When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                            • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                            • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                            • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                            This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                            TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                            • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                            • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                            • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                            • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                            • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                            • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                            • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                            • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                            • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                            • Global support outreach
                                                                                                            • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                            • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                            "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                            -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                            Brocade® To Stop McData® 6140 and McData® i10k Support

                                                                                                            Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                            In just 142 days, Brocade® will stop maintaining McData® 6140 and McData® i10k directors on February 28, 2014. If you are still using these machines there are two things you should do immediately:   McData Interprid 10000 (i10K)

                                                                                                            1)      Make sure you get the latest version of operating system software from Brocade®.

                                                                                                            2)      Call TeamKCI to continue your McData® maintenance.

                                                                                                            There are no End-of-Support dates for McData® equipment at TeamKCI – just high quality Enterprise level support at less than 25% of the manufacturer’s price. Don’t let your support run out. Call TeamKCI today and we’ll help you keep your legacy McData® equipment running.

                                                                                                            Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                            McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                                              Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                              Email Address (required)
                                                                                                              This is a request for:

                                                                                                              When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                              • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                                              • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                              • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                              This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                              TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                              • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                              • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                              • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                              • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                              • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                              • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                              • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                              • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                              • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                                              • Global support outreach
                                                                                                              • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                              • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                              "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                              -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                              Brocade® Discontinued McData® i10K and 6140 on February 28, 2014

                                                                                                              Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                              Brocade® Communications will discontinue the McData® i10K and the McData® 6140 directors on February 28, 2014.

                                                                                                              If you are using either of these directors and plan on continuing to use them in the future, please contact TeamKCI at 201-934-6500 ext. 11 or by email at or visit our website for any easy low cost maintenance plan.

                                                                                                              Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                              McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                                                Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                This is a request for:

                                                                                                                When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                                                • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                                                • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                IBM® to end support for 9032 ESCON Directors – TeamKCI

                                                                                                                Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                After 23 years of field usage, IBM® has announced the End of Support Life (EOSL) for all IBM® legacy 9032 ESCON directors – Models 2, 3 and 5 – effective March 31, 2014, after which IBM® will no longer maintain these devices.

                                                                                                                 If you are using any of the IBM® ESCON directors and plan on continuing to use them in the future, please contact TeamKCI at 201-934-6500 ext. 11 or by email at or visit our website for any easy low cost maintenance plan.

                                                                                                                IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

                                                                                                                  Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                  Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                  This is a request for:

                                                                                                                  When choosing a third-party support provider for IBM®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                  • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support IBM®
                                                                                                                  • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                  • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                  This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                  TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                  • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                  • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                  • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on IBM® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                  • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                  • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                  • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                  • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                  • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                  • 100% genuine IBM® parts
                                                                                                                  • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                  • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                  • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                  "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                  -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                  The Best Server, Storage and Network Maintenance Programs

                                                                                                                  Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                  All maintenance is mission critical and maintenance providers should always treat every maintenance call as a mission critical event.  When a well-integrated maintenance program works properly it prevents downtimes, loss and other operational problems.  This should not just be your goal but what you actually deliver.HPE<sup><sup>®</sup></sup> DC SAN Director” src=”” width=”207″ height=”150″ /></p>
<p>TeamKCI takes pride in the quality of service and reliability we offer our clients as now of the world’s <a href=third party maintenance tpm service providers. We appreciate the essential factors our customers consider when making the critical support and maintenance decision.  We understand how a customer’s loyalty is earned. And, what makes for trust and reliability in a maintenance provider.

                                                                                                                  The answers are found here in TeamKCI’s continuing series on what makes for long term satisfied customers.  Here are issues to think about when looking to choose your next Storage and Network maintenance provider:

                                                                                                                  • Parts on Premises: Make sure your third party provider is storing spare parts on premises.  This will prevent the situation where a Customer Service Engineer has to make more than one visit to perform a single repair.
                                                                                                                  • A “Stay Until Its Fixed” Policy: One of the most sought after qualities in a third party maintenance provider is a company with a policy that requires their Customer Services Engineers stay on your premises until a problem is fixed and all devices attached to that device are brought back on-line.
                                                                                                                  • Make Sure You Get a Regular Technical Representative: Know exactly who to call!  Not just a random person on the other end of a 1-800 number. Make sure you are assigned a CSE that will become part of your team and become familiar with not only your equipment, but also your environment and personnel.You want someone at the other end of the phone who is vested in the quality of the service provided, determined to respond to your requirements as quickly as possible.
                                                                                                                  • Dial-in and Call Home Capability:  Ensure that your third party provider is knowledgeable and skilled in the use of dial-in and call home capabilities of the equipment they are maintaining to minimize diagnoses and triage and shorten repair times.
                                                                                                                  • Fair Aggressive Pricing: You want a partner that has developed fair pricing based on anticipated repair frequency, parts costs and support requirements. This must be a maintenance provider with the right blend of problem solving expertise and experience in the hardware they are going to maintain for you.  
                                                                                                                  • Manufacturer’s Parts: If your third party provider does not use original manufacturer’s parts than they are probably cutting corners. A provider who cuts corners on parts is likely cutting corners in other areas as well. Don’t accept look-a-like!  Manufacturer’s parts are manufacturer’s parts. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

                                                                                                                  TeamKCI takes pride in our leadership in these areas.  Our inventory of manufacturer’s spare parts is unrivaled.  Our CSEs stay the course whenever a problem arises. With over 30 years of experience and unparalleled commitment, we serve our clients with 100% readiness and dedication.

                                                                                                                    Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                                                                                                                    When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                    • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                    • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                    • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                    This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                    TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                    • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                    • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                    • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                    • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                    • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                    • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                    • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                    • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                    • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                    • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                    • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                    • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                    "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                    -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                    The Best Server, Storage and Network Maintenance Programs. Part 2

                                                                                                                    Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                    Selecting the best maintenance program can be a challenge.  TeamKCI takes pride in the quality of HPE<sup srcset=® DC04 SAN Director” width=”134″ height=”146″ />service and reliability we offer our clients.  There are important considerations to take into account when making the support and maintenance decision.  Why do customers stay loyal to one maintenance plan provider?  What separates the best from the rest?

                                                                                                                    The answers are found here in Team KCI’s continuing series describing what makes for happy, satisfied customers, when looking to choose your next maintenance provider:   

                                                                                                                    • No Outsourcing:  Seek a company that performs repairs directly with its own personnel and internal technical experts who can see the job through from start to finish.  If a support company outsources maintenance, it is an indicator that it usually does not have a sufficient level of expertise for the products that they maintain. Proper escalation procedures require immediacy.  Outsourced assistance will slow down the repair or maintenance process if it means the provider cannot diagnose and make the repair quickly.


                                                                                                                    • Make sure the Customer Services Engineers (CSE) are well trained and experienced: Check to see if the people assigned to your account are manufacturer trained and are experienced on the equipment they are entrusted to repair. CSEs that have manufacturer’s experience are imperative in a third party data center hardware environment where support from the manufacture is limited. Certification and experience is crucial to getting the job done, no questions asked.  Are they up to date on maintaining equipment that has reached its End of Life date?There is nothing worse than watching a recent tech school graduate that has never seen equipment like yours before taking instruction by cell phone from an offsite technical specialist on how to fix it.   
                                                                                                                    • SLAs are Important: Responding to calls quickly and efficiently is important. So is follow-up after a machine has been fixed. Check your prospective maintenance provider’s references and don’t be afraid to ask about how good they are at meeting their SLAs. Make sure you speak to technical as well as financial references. You are looking for a company that responds quickly and responsively, with a track record of meeting SLA’s and history of satisfied customers.

                                                                                                                    Cisco MDS 9000 Family

                                                                                                                    TeamKCI prides itself on meeting the highest of industry standards.  Our “been there, done that” expertise, coupled with our commitment to our clients’ continued uptime and rapid repair has been the hallmark of our ongoing relationships for over thirty years in the business.

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                                                                                                                      The Leader in IBM Storwize® Support and FlashSystem Support

                                                                                                                      Efficiency is at the core of our Storwize support and FlashSystem support services. We understand that every minute of downtime can have a significant impact on your business. That’s why our team at TeamKCI strives to provide fast and effective resolutions to any Storwize-related issues. Our proactive monitoring system ensures timely detection of potential problems, allowing us to take preventive measures and minimize disruptions. For consultation, simply request a quote or call us at 201-934-3416 today.

                                                                                                                      When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                      • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                      • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                      • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                      This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                      TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                      • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                      • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                      • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                      • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                      • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                      • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                      • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                      • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                      • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                      • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                      • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                      • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                      "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                      -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                      Brocade® has announced EOL for its DCFM

                                                                                                                      Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                      In case you missed our previous post, Brocade® has announced End-of-Life (EOL) for its proprietary Data Center Fabric Manager (DCFM) software management product (Brocade® DCFM EOL Notice). Brocade® suggests that customers move to the Brocade® Network Advisor (BNA), its next generation management product, which will simplify daily operations while improving performance and reliability (Brocade® Network Advisor Datasheet). Users of DCFM should not be concerned – it will be supported by Brocade® until March 28, 2018 and TeamKCI will provide trouble shooting support for at least five years after the 2018 date. Read more about Brocade DCFM Enterprise, DCFM Professional, DCFM Professional Plus.

                                                                                                                      Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

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                                                                                                                        TeamKCI is the premier award-winning third party maintenance provider.

                                                                                                                        When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                        • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                                                        • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                        • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                        This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                        TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                        • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                        • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                        • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                        • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                        • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                        • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                        • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                        • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                        • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                                                        • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                        • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                        • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                        "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                        -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                        The Best Server, Storage and Network Maintenance Programs. Part 1

                                                                                                                        Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                        Brocade 48000At Team KCI we are often asked what makes a maintenance program stand out. Why do customers rave about one maintenance plan while roiling about another?

                                                                                                                        To address that we are posting Team KCI’s continuing blog series describing what makes for happy, satisfied customers; what to look for when choosing your next maintenance provider: 

                                                                                                                        • Spare Parts on Premises = Rapid Repairs: The maintenance provider who stores spare parts at your location will shorten repair time by over 50%. That’s because once a problem is detected there won’t be long wait time for parts to be shipped from a central depot in another state. When a part goes bad it is much easier for the “Customer Service Engineer” (CSE) to walk over to the supply cabinet to retrieve a spare than it is to wait for an express carrier to deliver the part the next day. Rapid repairs are always the prime objective. 


                                                                                                                        • Utilize Dial-in & Call Home Features: Seek a maintenance company that takes advantage of the dial-in and call home features that are built into the machines they are contracted to maintain. Most modern network and storage devices allow maintenance providers to check operational metrics inside the “box” before a technician is even dispatched. By utilizing these features your provider could be diagnosing your problem even before you become aware of it. This allows the maintenance provider to alert you while there is still time to plan for, or to prevent, an outage.


                                                                                                                        • Speak to a Customer Service Engineer (CSE) First:  Companies that have a trained CSE talk to the people on the floor will insure that that your problem is understood by the people who have to fix it before someone shows up to repair it. Beware of companies that use overseas call centers and dispatch without speaking to your people on the floor. Keep in mind that quality of the technical triage by the first person you speak to will greatly influence the quality of the service.

                                                                                                                        Other Articles to Read: NY State Passes Right To Repair Bill

                                                                                                                        TeamKCI’s maintains an open line of communications between our CSEs and your people.  All of our Customer Service Engineers are manufacturer-trained, and possess the experience necessary to designKCI Maintenance, plan, implement, install, and maintain Enterprise networks in mission critical environments.

                                                                                                                        Coupled with the single largest independent source of spare parts in the industry, we provide the hardware and the necessary know-how for any maintenance contingency.

                                                                                                                          Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                                                                                                                          When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                          • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                          • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                          • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                          This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                          TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                          • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                          • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                          • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                          • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                          • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                          • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                          • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                          • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                          • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                          • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                          • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                          • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                          "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                          -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                          Important EOS Date for EMC® ED-10000M

                                                                                                                          Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                          Important EOS Date for EMC® ED-10000M

                                                                                                                          McData Interprid 10000 (i10K)

                                                                                                                          TeamKCI Offers Continued Support for All i10K Directors

                                                                                                                          TeamKCI EOS Alert, June 13, 2013.  Import End-of-Service (EOS) dates for i10Ks are fast approaching, from many manufacturers. The EMC® ED-10000M will reach End-of-Service (EOS) on July 31, 2013.  And within the coming year, the Brocade®/McData® i10Ks and other OEM equivalents will reach their EOS dates. The IBM® 2027-256 (SAN25M) has already passed its EOS date.

                                                                                                                          Manufacturer Machine End-of-Service Date
                                                                                                                          Brocade®/McData® i10K 2/28/2014
                                                                                                                          EMC® ED-10000M 7/31/2013
                                                                                                                          IBM® 2027-256 (SAN256M) 12/31/2011
                                                                                                                          Oracle® Mi10K unknown

                                                                                                                          If you are still using any of these machines, do not be alarmed.  Top quality 24×7 maintenance coverage with guaranteed 4 hour on-site response time is now available from TeamKCI at rates that range from 50-70% less than the manufacturer’s rates that you may be accustomed to paying.

                                                                                                                          TeamKCI offers:

                                                                                                                          • All manufacturer’s parts, with original OEM replacement parts in stock and available
                                                                                                                          • Remote dial-in diagnostics, to reduce the time pinpointing the problem.
                                                                                                                          • Lifetime price protection, so there are no surprises when needs arise
                                                                                                                          • A thirty year history of supporting IT infrastructure
                                                                                                                          • Outstanding references.  Just ask, we’re glad to provide them.

                                                                                                                          Learn more...

                                                                                                                          Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                                          EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                                                                                          IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

                                                                                                                          McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                                                            Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                                                                                                                            When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                            • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                            • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                            • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                            This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                            TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                            • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                            • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                            • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                            • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                            • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                            • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                            • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                            • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                            • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                            • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                            • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                            • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                            "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                            -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                            Choosing Your Server, Storage and Network Maintainer

                                                                                                                            Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                            At TeamKCI we know that the process of finding a reliable and trustworthy maintenance provider can be tricky!  Maintenance is necessary, and in many cases it is more than just good business practice, it may also be required by law or regulation.DCX

                                                                                                                            With over 30 years experience in the field, TeamKCI knows the best practices, and what to offer.  We’re going to offer a continuing series of blog posts describing what makes for happy, satisfied customers.  These are the topics and consideration of what to look for when choosing your next maintenance provider: 

                                                                                                                            There are many companies offering various levels of maintenance, support, repair and parts.  The best of breed offer all of these elements.  Experience with the equipment, knowledge of the known issues and steps to ensure continued operation are critical factors. 

                                                                                                                            emc ds-5100bAvailability of replacement parts is another important consideration.  The best maintenance companies have a deep inventory of the parts that will need to be replaced, especially for equipment in use beyond the manufacturers’ End-of-Life date.

                                                                                                                            Determining what seems like the best deal involves many factors.

                                                                                                                            Price is always important although not the only component to be used in selecting a server third party maintenance vendor.  Quality of service and the experience of the provider, as well as its staff of experienced, individual technicians and engineers, are essential factors.

                                                                                                                            Check references. See who plans to outsource. Be aware of outsourcing as a potential red flag.

                                                                                                                            Find out if your provider will use call home and dial-in features. Ask for a complete complement of spares to be stored on your premises. Make sure you get the best suited provider for your environment and not just the guy with the low bid.

                                                                                                                            Our next three posts to the blog will cover the crucial questions and data points to consider when making the decision on contracting a maintenance provider.  

                                                                                                                            Feel free to subscribe to the TeamKCI blog.  We have made it really easy to keep up-to-date with our blog through RSS feeds and email updates!


                                                                                                                              Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                                                                                                                              When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                              • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                              • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                              • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                              This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                              TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                              • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                              • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                              • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                              • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                              • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                              • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                              • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                              • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                              • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                              • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                              • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                              • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                              "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                              -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                              Perfect Time to Be Looking for Brocade® 8 Gbps SAN Equipment

                                                                                                                              Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                              It’s the perfect time to be looking for Brocade® 8-Gbps SAN equipment – especially Brocade® DCX directors and 5100 & 5300 edge switches. 

                                                                                                                              From a product stand point we currently find ourselves past the mid-point of the DCX life cycle which began five years ago with the introduction of DCX in January 2008. The then new director was designed to run at 8-Gbps with backward compatibility to 4-Gbps. With DCX aging, last year Brocade® introduced the even newer DCX 8510 Backbone as its 16-Gbps Gen 5 Fiber Channel director, but piggy-backed off of its own DCX brand by keeping the “DCDCX4X” in the name of the new director.  With many customers looking to upgrade their infrastructure to 16-Gbps early new DCX 8510 backbone directors are displacing many now older 8-Gbps DCX boxes increasing the supply of DCX boxes on the market and driving down the price.

                                                                                                                              Of course, we’re not sure at this point why anyone would upgrade from a DCX to a DCX 8510 since storage manufacturers are still not yet delivering 16-Gbps storage. But the market is clearly moving in the DCX 8510’s direction.

                                                                                                                              With more DCX directors now available on the market prices for 8-Gbps DCX directors and industry leading Brocade® 5100 Brocade 5300and Brocade® 5300 switches have drifted down significantly.

                                                                                                                              There is another reason to buy used 8-Gbps technology today. If you project out a three year horizon – buying today will not only get you a great buy on Brocade® DCX with 8-Gbps blades, in three years when you are back in the market for 16-Gbps technology you will be just in time to buy 16-Gbps technology as the price drops – right after the expiration of initial warranty period for DCX 8510 backbone directors.

                                                                                                                              So if you’re looking for 8-Gbps SAN technology the time is now right for 8-Gbps Brocade® DCX directors, Brocade® 5300 and Brocade® 5100 switches, contact TeamKCI today.

                                                                                                                              Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                                                Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                                                                • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                                                                • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                McData® 6140 and i10K EOS Update

                                                                                                                                Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                McData® 6140 and i10K EOS Update- Brocade® support for the McData® 6140 and McData® Intrepid 10000 (i10K) directors will come to an end as of February 28, 2014. (6140 & i10K EOL Notice) Do not be concerned! TeamKCI will support these director products indefinitely at prices that will make you smile.

                                                                                                                                Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                                                McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                                                                  Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                  Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                  This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                  When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                  • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                                  • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                  • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                  This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                  TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                  • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                  • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                  • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                  • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                  • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                  • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                  • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                  • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                  • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                                  • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                  • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                  • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                  "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                  -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                  Brocade® DCFM End-of-Life Announced

                                                                                                                                  Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                  Brocade® has announced End-of-Life (EOL) for its proprietary Data Center Fabric Manager (DCFM) software management product. (Brocade® DCFM EOL Notice) Brocade® claims that the replacement, next generation management product, the Brocade® Network Advisor (BNA), will simplify daily operations while improving performance and reliability. (Brocade® Network Advisor Datasheet) Users of DCFM should not be concerned – it will be supported by Brocade® until March 28, 2018. And TeamKCI will provide trouble shooting support for at least five years after the 2018 date.

                                                                                                                                  Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                                                    Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                    Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                    This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                    When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                    • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                                                                    • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                    • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                    This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                    TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                    • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                    • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                    • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                    • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                    • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                    • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                    • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                    • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                    • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                                                                    • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                    • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                    • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                    "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                    -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                    Manufacturers’ End-of-Service Coming for McData® i10Ks | TeamKCI Provides Alternatives

                                                                                                                                    Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                    Manufacturers’ End-of-Service Coming for McData® i10Ks | TeamKCI Provides Alternatives

                                                                                                                                    If your center is one of the 400 data centers still using one or more McData® i10K directors you should be aware that the i10K will reach Brocade® End-of-Service (EOS) on February 28, 2014.  Set your countdown clock, just 325 days left.

                                                                                                                                    If you are still using the EMC® Connectrix ED1000M, the EMC® version of the i10K, it is slated to reach EOS on July 31, 2013.

                                                                                                                                    And, if you are using the IBM version of the i10K, sold as either the IBM 2027-256 or the IBM® SAN256M, sorry, the end of support date has already passed, December 31, 2011.

                                                                                                                                    But, There is an Alternative. Actually, Three Alternatives:

                                                                                                                                    1)      TeamKCI can maintain your i10k for as long as you plan to use it at prices that are well below manufacturer’s list prices.

                                                                                                                                    2)      Let TeamKCI replace your i10K with a pre-owned Brocade® 48000.

                                                                                                                                    3)      Have TeamKCI provide you with a quote for a new or used Brocade® DCX Backbone or DCX 8510 director for either sale or lease. 

                                                                                                                                    We know that as a SAN Architect or SAN Administrator you are always trying to stretch your networking dollars.  We’ll help you do more for less.

                                                                                                                                    For over 31 years we’ve helped our customers do their jobs better.


                                                                                                                                    Home of the Most Interesting SAN Architect in the world.

                                                                                                                                    Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                                                    EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                                                                                                    IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

                                                                                                                                    McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                                                                      Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                      Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                      This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                      When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                      • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                                      • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                      • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                      This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                      TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                      • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                      • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                      • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                      • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                      • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                      • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                      • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                      • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                      • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                                      • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                      • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                      • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                      "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                      -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                      Supreme Court Ruling Will Result in Lower Prices

                                                                                                                                      Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                      Yesterday the US Supreme Court ruled that individuals and companies that buy books and other goods abroad have the right to resell those products in the US even if the manufacturer explicitly marks the goods for sale only in specific regions outside of America.

                                                                                                                                      In a 6-3 decision, not split along party lines, the Court ruled that Supap Kirtsaeng, a former Thai PhD student who bought lower priced but equivalent medical text books overseas in developing countries then resold these books in the US, did not infringe on the copyrights of John Wiley & Sons, the publisher, despite the fact that Wiley had marked the textbooks for sale only in regions outside the US.

                                                                                                                                      The ruling is seen as a big win not only for Mr. Kirtsaeng but also for eBay, libraries and high-tech resellers and maintenance providers who may now sell, rent or loan goods not originally destined for the US market into the US market without fear of reprisals from manufacturers.

                                                                                                                                      In its decision the High Court upheld the “First Sale Doctrine” the basic right of an individual or company to resell a product it had purchased legally without regard for where the product came from.  In essence saying if you bought it legally you own it and have the right to resell it.  The brouhaha over the First Sale Doctrine had been percolating for three years with publishing, entertainment, manufacturing and software industries lining up for restrictions that would limit how and where goods could be resold and libraries, museums, eBay, Google and equipment resellers lining up on the side of the eventual decision.

                                                                                                                                      To consumers and tech users the decision will lead to lower pricing as US based publishers and manufacturers will be forced to lower prices to compete with their own products that they in-explicably sell more cheaply abroad.  Maintenance companies will be able to buy parts overseas at lower costs and the savings will be passed on to users.  And, the vast threat of legal action by content developers will hopefully now be curtailed.

                                                                                                                                      The fight over the First Sale Doctrine drew national attention as can be seen in these clips from The O’Reilly Factor and The Colbert Report, each bringing its own sense of humor to this important and significant national public debate.



                                                                                                                                      For more information please check out:



                                                                                                                                        Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                        Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                        This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                        When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                        • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                                        • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                        • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                        This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                        TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                        • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                        • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                        • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                        • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                        • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                        • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                        • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                        • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                        • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                                        • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                        • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                        • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                        "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                        -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                        McData® 1620 and 2640 EOS Date: January 15, 2013

                                                                                                                                        Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                        Brocade® maintenance support for the McData® 1620 and 2640 Multi-protocol SAN Routers will end on January 15, 2013*.

                                                                                                                                        If you are still using either the McData® 1620 and 2640, do not be alarmed.  Top quality 24×7 maintenance coverage with 4 hour on-site response time is now available from KCI, Inc. at rates that are 30-50% less than the manufacturer’s rates that you are used to paying.

                                                                                                                                        We offer:

                                                                                                                                        • All manufacturer’s parts,
                                                                                                                                        • Lifetime price protection,
                                                                                                                                        • A thirty year history of supporting IT infrastructure, and
                                                                                                                                        • Outstanding references.

                                                                                                                                        Learn more.

                                                                                                                                        To view the list of Brocade®, IBM® and EMC® products that have been dropped from maintenance support by the manufacturers in the last 90 days, click here.

                                                                                                                                         KCI, Inc. – The SAN Capital of the World

                                                                                                                                        Winner of the 2011 Verizon Supplier
                                                                                                                                        Recognition Award for Outstanding Services.

                                                                                                                                         *Source – Brocade® End-of Life Notice_dated October 2, 2007

                                                                                                                                        Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                                                        EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                                                                                                        IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

                                                                                                                                        McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                                                                          Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                          Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                          This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                          When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                          • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                                          • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                          • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                          This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                          TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                          • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                          • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                          • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                          • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                          • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                          • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                          • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                          • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                          • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                                          • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                          • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                          • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                          "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                          -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                          Brocade® – IBM® – EMC® End-of-Service (EOS) Lists

                                                                                                                                          Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                          Brocade®-IBM®-EMC® End-of-Service (EOS) Lists

                                                                                                                                          The equipment listed below has recently reached End-of-Service (EOS) from the manufacturers.

                                                                                                                                          If you are still using any of these machines, do not be alarmed. Top quality 24×7 maintenance coverage with 4 hours on-site response time is now available from KCI, Inc. at rates that are 30-50% less than the manufacturer’s rates that you are used to paying.

                                                                                                                                          Learn more.

                                                                                                                                          Manufacturer Machine End-of-Service Date
                                                                                                                                          Brocade® 4100 10/1/2012
                                                                                                                                          Brocade®/McData® 4400 10/1/2012
                                                                                                                                          Brocade®/McData® 4700 10/1/2012
                                                                                                                                          Brocade®/McData® 1620 1/15/2013
                                                                                                                                          Brocade®/McData® 2640 1/15/2013
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2005-16B 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2005-32B 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2005-B16 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2005-B32 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2005-B64 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2005-R18 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2026-416 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2026-432 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2027-140 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2104-DU3 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2104-TU3 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2105-750 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2105-F20 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 3490-A01 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 3490-A02 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 3490-B04 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 3490-C11 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          IBM® 3490-D32 12/31/2012
                                                                                                                                          EMC® DS-4100B 1/31/2013
                                                                                                                                          EMC® DS-4400M 1/31/2013
                                                                                                                                          EMC® DS-4700M 1/31/2013
                                                                                                                                          EMC® MP-1620 1/31/2013
                                                                                                                                          EMC® MP-2640 1/31/2013
                                                                                                                                          EMC® ED-10000M 7/31/2013
                                                                                                                                          EMC® EC-1500 B/C 1/31/2013
                                                                                                                                          EMC® EC1500M 1/31/2013
                                                                                                                                          EMC® AP-7420B 1/31/2013

                                                                                                                                          Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                                                          EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                                                                                                          IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

                                                                                                                                          McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                                                                          When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                          • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                                                                          • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                          • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                          This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                          TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                          • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                          • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                          • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                          • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                          • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                          • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                          • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                          • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                          • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                                                                          • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                          • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                          • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                          "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                          -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                          IBM® 2104 & 2105 “Shark” US Maintenance Service Withdrawal

                                                                                                                                          Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                          In case you missed it, IBM® maintenance support for IBM® 2104-DU3, 2104-TU3, 2105-750 and 2105-F20 disk storage ended on 12/31/2013*.

                                                                                                                                          If you are still using any of these machines, do not be alarmed.  Top quality 24×7 maintenance coverage with 4 hour on-site response time is now available from KCI, Inc. at rates that are 30-50% less than the manufacturer’s rates that you are used to paying.

                                                                                                                                          We offer:

                                                                                                                                          • All manufacturer’s parts,
                                                                                                                                          • Lifetime price protection,
                                                                                                                                          • A thirty year history of supporting IT infrastructure, and
                                                                                                                                          • Outstanding references.

                                                                                                                                          Learn more.

                                                                                                                                          KCI, Inc. – The SAN Capital of the World

                                                                                                                                          Winner of the 2011 Verizon Supplier Recognition Award for Outstanding Services.


                                                                                                                                          IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

                                                                                                                                            Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                            Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                            This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                            When choosing a third-party support provider for IBM®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                            • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support IBM®
                                                                                                                                            • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                            • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                            This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                            TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                            • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                            • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                            • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on IBM® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                            • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                            • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                            • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                            • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                            • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                            • 100% genuine IBM® parts
                                                                                                                                            • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                            • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                            • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                            "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                            -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                            IBM®: US Support Withdrawals Effective December 31, 2012

                                                                                                                                            Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                            Effective December 31, 2012 the IBM® storage, tape and switch equipment products listed in the table below have been withdrawn from US maintenance services by IBM®.  But you need not go uncovered!  Full  maintenance support is available from KCI, Inc.

                                                                                                                                            Withdrawn From Maintenance



                                                                                                                                            Tape Storage






















                                                                                                                                            To ensure that your coverage is continuous on any of the above equipment, please contact Jeff Klein at KCI,,  for the highest quality IBM maintenance including support for IBM 2498 b40 machines at rates that are well below the rates charged by IBM® when it was still willing to maintain this equipment.

                                                                                                                                            KCI, Inc. a leader in SAN support. Serving major IT installations since 1982.

                                                                                                                                            Proud winner of the 2011 Verizon Supplier Recognition Award for Outstanding Services.


                                                                                                                                            IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

                                                                                                                                              Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                              Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                              This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                              When choosing a third-party support provider for IBM®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                              • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support IBM®
                                                                                                                                              • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                              • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                              This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                              TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                              • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                              • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                              • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on IBM® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                              • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                              • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                              • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                              • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                              • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                              • 100% genuine IBM® parts
                                                                                                                                              • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                              • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                              • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                              "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                              -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                              9 EMC® Connectrix Products Without Support In 2013

                                                                                                                                              Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                              2013 will see nine (9) EMC® Connectrix products manufactured by Brocade®/McData® dropped from maintenance; three switches, two routers, one SAN director, two storage cabinets and a special purpose appliance. (Source: EMC® Hardware Release and Service Dates, dated May 8, 2012) If you are still using any of the EMC® products listed in the table below mark the date and plan to find an alternative maintenance provider.

                                                                                                                                              EMC® Brocade®/McData®  Product End of Support 
                                                                                                                                              Product Name Product Name Type (EOS) Date
                                                                                                                                              EMC® DS-4100B Brocade® 4100 Switch January 31, 2013
                                                                                                                                              EMC® DS-4400M Brocade® 4400 Switch January 31, 2013
                                                                                                                                              EMC® DS-4700M Brocade® 4700 Switch January 31, 2013
                                                                                                                                              EMC® MP-1620 McData® 1620 Router January 31, 2013
                                                                                                                                              EMC® MP-2640 McData® 2640 Router January 31, 2013
                                                                                                                                              EMC® ED-10000M McData® i10K Director July 31, 2013
                                                                                                                                              EMC® EC-1500
                                                                                                                                              n/a Cabinet January 31, 2013
                                                                                                                                              EMC® EC1500M n/a Cabinet January 31, 2013
                                                                                                                                              EMC® AP-7420B Brocade® AP 7420 Appliance January 31, 2013

                                                                                                                                              Don’t let your mission critical SAN infrastructure go uncovered. Be prepared for the planned maintenance discontinuance. Maintenance rates for these machines are now a fraction of their original EMC® price. To investigate your options contact Jeff Klein or 201-934-6500 extension 11.

                                                                                                                                              P.S. The EMC® Celerra NS350 will be dropped from maintenance on March 31, 2013 and the CLARiiON AX 150 series will be dropped from maintenance on May 31, 2013.

                                                                                                                                              Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                                                              EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                                                                                                              McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                                                                                Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                                Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                                This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                                When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                                • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                                                • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                                • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                                This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                                TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                                • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                                • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                                • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                                • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                                • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                                • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                                • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                                • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                                • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                                                • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                                • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                                • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                                "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                                -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                                NetScout Acquires OnPath Technologues

                                                                                                                                                Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                                In case you missed it, NetScout acquired ONPATH Technologies on November 1, 2012.  In a statement explaining the acquisition NetScout said it did so to “Extend (its) Next Generation Network Monitoring Switch Portfolio”.

                                                                                                                                                OnPath had previously purchased the technology that powers the Telenex 2700 matrix switch from Brocade® Communications in 2009. Since that time OnPath has gone on to develop the industry leading UCS 2900 Connectivity System a monitoring platform that solves a variety of high-performance applications issues and the OnPath 3900 a family of network switches that automate and secure data center and test infrastructure.

                                                                                                                                                Upon the introduction of the UCS 2900, OnPath announced the End-of-Support for the Telenex 2700 matrix switch, which ended on March 31, 2011. Since that time Telenex 2700 support from the manufacturer has been on an as available basis.

                                                                                                                                                With the NetScout acquisition Telenex support is now three times removed from the original manufacturer.

                                                                                                                                                If you need ongoing support for your Telenex 2700 matrix switch please contact Jeff Klein at or 201-934-6500 extension 11 to investigate support options.

                                                                                                                                                Read the full article at:

                                                                                                                                                Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                                                                  Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                                  Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                                  This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                                  When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                                  • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                                                  • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                                  • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                                  This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                                  TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                                  • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                                  • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                                  • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                                  • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                                  • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                                  • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                                  • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                                  • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                                  • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                                                  • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                                  • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                                  • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                                  "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                                  -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                                  McData® 4700 EOS Date from Brocade® is October 1, 2012

                                                                                                                                                  Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                                  McData® 4700 End of Support Date from Brocade® is October 1, 2012 – Maintenance support for the mainstay  McData® 4700 and McData® 4400 will end on Sunday, September 30, 2012. Both are 4 Gbps switches that were prevalent in early SANs and many are still in use today. If you have this equipment installed and plan to continue using, contact KCI, Inc. because after September 30, 2012 Brocade® will not support it.  

                                                                                                                                                  KCI, Inc. offers a low cost maintenance alternative for all Brocade® & McData® legacy switches. Utilizing our nationwide network of experienced manufacturer trained engineers we’ll do a better job of maintaining your equipment for a lot less than you have become accustomed to paying. For a complete list of switches and directors we support click here. 

                                                                                                                                                  And while you’re considering KCI, Inc. for your switches, consider KCI, Inc. for your legacy  McData® directors too. Our rates are 70% below Brocade®’s rates for the soon to be End-of-Support  McData® 6140 and 50% below Brocade®’s rates for soon to be End-of-Support McData® i10k

                                                                                                                                                  For over 30 years, KCI, Inc. has maintained switch and channel extension equipment at America’s largest and most complex IT centers. Call or email today and become part of the growing community of satisfied KCI Customers.  

                                                                                                                                                  KCI, Inc. – Supporting over 3000 machines in over 500 locations and the Winner of the 2012 Verizon Supplier Recognition Award for Outstanding Performance in IT Services.

                                                                                                                                                  Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                                                                  McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                                                                                    Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                                    Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                                    This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                                    When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                                    • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
                                                                                                                                                    • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                                    • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                                    This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                                    TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                                    • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                                    • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                                    • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                                    • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                                    • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                                    • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                                    • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                                    • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                                    • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
                                                                                                                                                    • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                                    • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                                    • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                                    "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                                    -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                                    KCI Inc Celebrates 30th Anniversary

                                                                                                                                                    Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                                    KCI, Inc., the global information technology connectivity company, announced that today will mark the 30th anniversary of the company’s inception.

                                                                                                                                                    The company is a strategic supplier of maintenance, engineering and hardware to some of the largest financial institutions, manufacturing concerns and government agencies in the country. Established in 1982 the company maintains Brocade®, Cisco®, McData®, QLogic, IBM®, Telenex®, InRange, Telenex® and Computerm infrastructure switching products along with EMC®, NetApp®, HDS and Oracle storage. KCI, Inc. offers its customers hardware along with full legacy maintenance support for aging IT infrastructure at vastly reduced prices. Through a network of field support offices and test labs, KCI, Inc. supports over 3000 machines at over 350 locations across the country.

                                                                                                                                                    KCI, Inc. earned its reputation as switching specialist as far back as 1982 when it began selling and maintaining bus and tag switching equipment manufactured by IBM®, Tbar and Data Switch; in the 1990s the company’s specialization expanded to IBM® ESCON directors and other ESCON products at one point selling over 300 ESCON directors in a single year; and finally, over the last dozen years the KCI name has become synonymous with Fibre Channel switching.

                                                                                                                                                    Jeff Klein President and Founder said, “We have reached this plateau by staying focused on our core business and delivering the highest quality IT equipment and top notch professional services to our clients, while keeping our eye on the real concerns of our customers.”

                                                                                                                                                    Frank Krause, Director of Field Support and 22 year veteran said, “At KCI, Inc. 24 x 7 means 24 x 7.  Sometimes it feels like we never stop working just like the machines we support.”

                                                                                                                                                    Wayne Duglin, Executive Vice President and 25 year veteran said, “Paying attention to all the details is often a thankless job but today all of us at KCI, Inc. can take a lot of pride in the many small jobs done right that we’ve strung together over the course of 30 years.” 

                                                                                                                                                    Over 50 of the top 200 companies in the country depend on the KCI, Inc. field support team for maintenance, network design, data center consolidations, back-up & disaster recovery, configuration management as well as for additional hardware and standard maintenance support.     

                                                                                                                                                    KCI, Inc. soon plans to expand its legacy support coverage by adding Ethernet Networks and high-speed large scale chassis-based switches on July 1, 2012.

                                                                                                                                                    More information about KCI, Inc. can be found at their website:


                                                                                                                                                    KCI, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                    Corporate Headquarters
                                                                                                                                                    Ms. Jennifer Campbell
                                                                                                                                                    Director, Communications
                                                                                                                                                    201-934-6500 ext 23

                                                                                                                                                    Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                                                                    NetApp® is registered trademarks of NetApp,Inc.

                                                                                                                                                    Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                                                                                                                                                    United States and certain other countries.

                                                                                                                                                    EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                                                                                                                    McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.

                                                                                                                                                    IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.


                                                                                                                                                      Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

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                                                                                                                                                      When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                                      • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                                                      • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                                      • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                                      This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                                      TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                                      • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                                      • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                                      • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                                      • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                                      • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                                      • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                                      • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                                      • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                                      • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                                                      • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                                      • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                                      • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                                      "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                                      -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                                      Welcome to TeamKCI

                                                                                                                                                      Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                                      For over thirty years KCI, Inc. has supplied and supported switching and connectivity products to America’s largest corporations and government agencies. Over the years platforms and manufacturers have changed but the basic need to access and switch large volumes of data has grown exponentially. Across the span of three decades, from Bus & Tag to ESCON to FICON to FibreChannel, KCI, Inc. has developed unique and exceptional technical competencies in SAN architecture, switching, storage, networking and connectivity.


                                                                                                                                                        Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                                        Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                                        This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                                        When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                                        • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                                                        • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                                        • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                                        This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                                        TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                                        • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                                        • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                                        • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                                        • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                                        • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                                        • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                                        • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                                        • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                                        • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                                                        • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                                        • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                                        • Dial-in Supported

                                                                                                                                                        "I wanted to extend a thank you for the support and great service TeamKCI’s customer service engineer provided us yesterday."

                                                                                                                                                        -Major Financial Institution

                                                                                                                                                        KCI Awarded Verizon 2011 Supplier Recognition Award

                                                                                                                                                        Category : Uncategorized

                                                                                                                                                        KCI, Inc., the global information technology connectivity company, has been awarded the coveted ‘Verizon Supplier Recognition’ Award for outstanding performance in the ‘IT Products and Services’ category, for the year 2011, by Verizon Communications, a global leader in delivering broadband, cloud, Global IP and wireless communications services. The annual award recognizes Verizon’s top suppliers that have helped the communications leader provide exceptional service to its customers.

                                                                                                                                                        KCI, Inc. was selected for the award at the 2011 Verizon Annual Supplier Recognition program held recently, at Verizon’s headquarters on March 26 and March 27, 2012 in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. Jeff Klein, President & Founder, of KCI, Inc. received the award on behalf of the KCI Team.

                                                                                                                                                        KCI, Inc. is a strategic supplier for Verizon and provides maintenance, engineering and End-of-Life service to the communications giant. The company works with Verizon by providing legacy maintenance which helps Verizon keep down costs to aid its competitive position.

                                                                                                                                                        Speaking on this achievement, Wayne Duglin, Executive Vice President of Engineering and Support Services, said, “This award reconfirms our strategic approach to extending the life of technology by providing a world class support model that is as good or even better than manufacturer’s maintenance.”

                                                                                                                                                        Jeff Klein, President & Founder, said, “This award reconfirms our commitment to support Verizon as it develops competitive edge products and technologies and stays ahead of the competition. It is indicative of how KCI, Inc. makes American businesses more competitive.”

                                                                                                                                                        Selection by Verizon for the Supplier Recognition award was based on exemplary contract performance in the prior year, exceeding Verizon’s quality management objectives, adherence to contract specifications and achieving corporate safety goals.

                                                                                                                                                        About KCI, Inc.

                                                                                                                                                        KCI, Inc. is America’s leading maintenance specialists of legacy Storage Area Networks. The company, established in 1982, maintains Brocade®, McData®, Cisco®, CNT, InRange, Telenex and IBM® switches and directors.  And, also supports EMC®, NetApp®, HDS and Oracle storage. 

                                                                                                                                                        KCI, Inc. offers customers full legacy support for aging infrastructure at vastly reduced prices.  Through a network of fourteen field support offices and two test labs, KCI, Inc. maintains over 3000 machines at over 350 locations across the country.

                                                                                                                                                        Today over 50 of the top 200 companies in the country depend on KCI, Inc. for support including the largest banks, the largest service companies, top manufacturers and major government agencies.  KCI, Inc. plans to expand its legacy coverage to Ethernet networks and will soon be offering this service as well.

                                                                                                                                                        For more information about KCI, Inc., please visit our website at


                                                                                                                                                        KCI, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                        Corporate Headquarters
                                                                                                                                                        Ms. Jennifer Campbell
                                                                                                                                                        Director, Communications
                                                                                                                                                        201-934-6500 Ext. 23

                                                                                                                                                        Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

                                                                                                                                                        NetApp® is registered trademarks of NetApp,Inc.

                                                                                                                                                        Cisco® is registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the
                                                                                                                                                        United States and certain other countries.

                                                                                                                                                        EMC is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

                                                                                                                                                        IBM is trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

                                                                                                                                                        McDATA® is a registered trademark of Brocade Communications.


                                                                                                                                                          Request A Quick Quote For IT Hardware Maintenace!

                                                                                                                                                          Email Address (required)
                                                                                                                                                          This is a request for:

                                                                                                                                                          When choosing a third-party support provider for your company, you should consider things like:

                                                                                                                                                          • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support your company
                                                                                                                                                          • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
                                                                                                                                                          • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

                                                                                                                                                          This is how TeamKCI answers those questions:

                                                                                                                                                          TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:
                                                                                                                                                          • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
                                                                                                                                                          • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
                                                                                                                                                          • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on your company equipment with on average 15 years of experience
                                                                                                                                                          • Flexible SLA’s and response times


                                                                                                                                                          • 24 x 7 support hotline
                                                                                                                                                          • Rapid problem determination
                                                                                                                                                          • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
                                                                                                                                                          • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
                                                                                                                                                          • 100% genuine your company parts
                                                                                                                                                          • Global support outreach
                                                                                                                                                          • Call Home Supported
                                                                                                                                                          • Dial-in Supported

