TeamKCI Announces Brocade® USDX Support as Brocade® End Its Support

TeamKCI Announces Brocade® USDX Support as Brocade® End Its Support

Category : Uncategorized

If losing support for your USDX channel extender network is not an option call TeamKCI today. Brocade® will cease maintaining all versions of the USDX on May 15, 2015 – less than eight months down the road. Some customers are even being told they cannot renew their maintenance agreement if a one year renewal contract would carry them past the May 15, 2015 End-of-Service date.

TeamKCI offers an alternative. As switching experts for the last 32 years and America’s #1 independent maintainer of Brocade® equipment, TeamKCI will gladly maintain your USDX directors for as long as you choose to use them. No limits. No End-of-Life dates. No End-of-Service dates. Just continue to use your USDX until you’re ready to move to a different platform.

TeamKCI support includes all parts, remote dial-in support, 4-hour on-site response time and change management services.

If continuing to use your Brocade® USDX channel extenders are part of your plans don’t hesitate, TeamKCI is ready to step in today. Call us and we’ll put together a cost-effective plan to keep your USDXs running for as long as you choose to use them.



KCI, Inc (dba TeamKCI) is the industry leader in premier Third-Party maintenance support. TeamKCI is not an authorized reseller, distributor, partner of nor an affiliate of any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or related to any manufacturer’s authorized service center. All offers for maintenance support are from our world-wide award winning support group not the OEM. All trademarks, service marks, logos remain the property of the corresponding company. All rights reserved. 

Brocade® is the registered trademark of Broadcom Inc.

When choosing a third-party support provider for Brocade®, you should consider things like:

  • Expertise:Whether the provider has the right expertise to support Brocade®
  • Cost:Whether the cost is reasonable compared to the benefits
  • Support terms:Whether the terms of support include response and resolution times

This is how TeamKCI answers those questions: TeamKCI offers world-class award-winning support that includes:

  • Lowest prices in the industry without compromising quality
  • 42 years of experience supporting for storage, servers, switching and SAN.
  • Skilled engineers and technicians trained on Brocade® equipment with on average 15 years of experience
  • Flexible SLA’s and response times


  • 24 x 7 support hotline
  • Rapid problem determination
  • Our guarantee that our customers will have access to trained experienced
  • engineers within 15 minutes of contacting our 24 x 7 help desk.
  • 100% genuine Brocade® parts
  • Global support outreach
  • Call Home Supported
  • Dial-in Supported

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